Need your help Ags… I work at a very large, premier resort course in Texas…
At our course, we offer our golfers their choice of TP5, ChromeTour, and ProV1 at our Practice Range… We are under contract to offer all three… Have to be white…
The balls have to be sorted by hand… We spend about $45k in man hours annually manually-sorting balls…
I'm looking to see if there are any Good Ags who can help me put together an automated ball sorter…
I talked to a firm that has developed one, but they want $250k for it…
Gotta believe with inexpensive optical scanning, this is isn't rocket science…
Let me know… The budget is there, and the commitment is there…
Thanks and Gig 'Em !!!
Class of 1977
At our course, we offer our golfers their choice of TP5, ChromeTour, and ProV1 at our Practice Range… We are under contract to offer all three… Have to be white…
The balls have to be sorted by hand… We spend about $45k in man hours annually manually-sorting balls…
I'm looking to see if there are any Good Ags who can help me put together an automated ball sorter…
I talked to a firm that has developed one, but they want $250k for it…
Gotta believe with inexpensive optical scanning, this is isn't rocket science…
Let me know… The budget is there, and the commitment is there…
Thanks and Gig 'Em !!!
Class of 1977