LIV is nothing more than Greg Norman and his ego finding someone dumb enough and with deep enough pockets to bankroll his long-held vendetta against the PGA Tour. It made a select few richer than they already would've been and few richer than they would've ever had a chance to be but so far I don't see it really accomplishing anything, especially "growing the game." It's just a bunch of millionaires who want their cake and to eat it too by doing less work for the same benefits and rewards versus millionaires who care more about the history and traditions of the professional game. I personally can't stand hearing Brandel's overplayed diatribes about "blood money" and "sportswashing" too. All it's done so far is diminish the fan experience. As a fan, it's tiresome.class of 03 said:
This was never about the big names in big fields, only about big names getting paid. Without Phil's gambling, not sure we are even here today. But he hit a big parlay with PIF.