Typical Raider fan not understanding things.Raiderjay said:
Can't wait to see how this plays out......Typical horn pounding their chest way too soon......
Nope. Texas winning Playoff games while little brother sits at home waiting for SRS Distribution Bowl against an unranked opponent to start.The Hefty Lefty said:
So the credentials for being "big brother" are putting on a t-shirt? This photo appears to be true and accurate.
Wow Dark_Knight_CheerBoy, that is a devastating call out.Dark_Knight said:
Ok lil sissy
SMU would disagree. Along with 99% college football fans.Loyalty said:
Flagship University Texas A&M,
Yet aggie lostLoyalty said:
lol. Thanks! If only that were the worst thing I've been called.
Merry Christmas and a Happy new year to you as well.
Ok lil sisterH0RNbyBIRTH said:Wow Dark_Knight_CheerBoy, that is a devastating call out.Dark_Knight said:
Ok lil sissy
I am so humiliated I may never post again.
Gross. That's blasphemy to use batman in vain like that.Texas velvet maestro said:
One of these large universities from Texas needs to win a game during the holiday season.
Flagship's gonna answer the bat signal. save the little Texas brothers' faces. don't worry folks. hold on. we're coming. Hook'em
what about when a cross-eyed 5'4" Aggie with a crotch stain and a harelip gets on the internet and calls himself dark knight?Dark_Knight said:Gross. That's blasphemy to use batman in vain like that.Texas velvet maestro said:
Texas velvet maestro said:
Weird projection bro.Texas velvet maestro said:what about when a cross-eyed 5'4" Aggie with a crotch stain and a harelip gets on the internet and calls himself dark knight?Dark_Knight said:Gross. That's blasphemy to use batman in vain like that.Texas velvet maestro said:
I mean come on...
A one time unofficial protest at TEXAS vs Aggie TraditionDr. Nefario said:
Little brother? Texas A&M is older than tu. Texas A&M is bigger than tu. By every reasonable definition, Texas A&M is the big brother, but to claim that would mean we would have to admit we're related. **** that.
And tu could win a natty in every sport every year from now until eternity and it will never erase the fact that this happened:
Winning sports contests is something you idiots can do (for now).
Licking dildos is who you idiots are. Always.
Dr. Nefario said:
Little brother? Texas A&M is older than tu. Texas A&M is bigger than tu. By every reasonable definition, Texas A&M is the big brother, but to claim that would mean we would have to admit we're related. **** that.
And tu could win a natty in every sport every year from now until eternity and it will never erase the fact that this happened:
Winning sports contests is something you idiots can do (for now).
Licking dildos is who you idiots are. Always.
It's a bit embarrassing that, as a supposed ATM graduate, you can't answer your simple question, but you must ask "sips".BQ78 said:
Hey sips how many championships did you win this year?
Just Saying said:It's a bit embarrassing that, as a supposed ATM graduate, you can't answer your simple question, but you must ask "sips".BQ78 said:
Hey sips how many championships did you win this year?
TEXAS has not won any NCAA or SEC championships yet this year since none have been awarded in the sports it participates in. The same is true for ATM, just in case you can't figure it out on your own.