Good old Bob. Always the victim. He spent a LOT of money to look legitimate to other horn fans. Don't think for a second any of that stuff was charity like he tried to argue. It made him feel big time and, to the type of chode that would post on LFZ, it made him look big time. He loved the attention that collection of cross-eyed weirdos sent his way. If he'd actually gotten a degree, maybe he wouldn't have had to work so hard to fit in.
He even tried his hand at "recruiting guru" for a while, showing up to kids' practices and playing journalist. That's about when Ol' Freak Nasty kicked him out of practice and he got butthurt. Think about it - Longhorn Bob tried to be Ketch but didn't have the chops. That's some depressing **** right there.
There has never been a single human being that epitomized the stereotype of "Internet Football Expert" like Bob Wheeler. He is absolutely eaten up with little man syndrome on top of it.
When he first disappeared after the bus incident, I thought for sure he had David Carradined himself.