Every time I hear 'climate change' as an excuse for insurance rates = Massive Eye Roll
This is mostly being driven by inflation, just like everything else. The cost of materials, labor and repairs is going through the roof so, guess what? So is insurance.
Sure, we have weather events (just like always). Yes, those events are costing insurers more than in the past, but that's because of more infrastructure/buildings in existence and because of inflation.
In any event, I am bracing for impact for our homeowner renewal.
2007 house - original roof. The roof is a '30 year architectural shingle' with zero problems. I am already self-insuring it with a 2% deductible. I got a quote with a "Goosehead" agent that was going to save me a little money (from State Farm) but once he found out my roof was 2007, the company wouldn't take it.
So, now what? Go pay for a new roof when I really don't need one for another 5-7 years? And then, after I get a new one, be faced with having to get another new roof in about 10 years? So then we're replacing perfectly good roofs every 10 years so we can placate insurance companies that set our deductible for roofs super high anyway so we're in effect self insuring them?