kermas said:
What ways did you choose? I'm looking for the ways to promote my business. And can I do it by myself? Or is it better to address professionals?
Was just on my phone last night so wanted to give a more complete response.
First and foremost, get really specific about what you want. When most people say they want to promote their business, what they really want is more sales.
There are a few ways you could go. I think this question is a good starting point.
If you could only pick one of these three things, which would you pick?1. You get the same type of leads you have right now, but you get more of them.2. You get the same number of leads you do now, but they're higher quality (more like your ideal customer, less people who are bad fits).3. Same number and same quality of leads, but you convert a higher percentage of them into a sale.No reason you can't improve all three of these, but one of them is a bigger issue than the rest.
Most of the people who pick #1 are usually order takers. You feel at the mercy of the market. Sometimes sales are good and sometimes they're not and you don't really understand why. Or you have a good base of repeat customers but you can't grow beyond what that core group is giving you.
The folks in #2 are usually the ones who have too many lousy prospects and customers. Sales process is a pain in the ass, lots of customer service issues, feels like you have to work your ass off to make $100.
The folks with #3 are people who have a good offer and a good market but they don't have a good sales team. Tons of opportunity but too many deals that fall through, prospects that ghost you, and a lot of work to only lose in the end.
So what you are really looking for is either:
1. I need to generate more leads (maybe you don't have any intentional lead gen process at all -- don't feel bad if this is you -- TONS of very successful companies in this boat)
2. I need to adjust my lead gen strategy to get better leads
3. I need help with my sales process and execution
If you fall into #1 and are basically starting from scratch, I strongly advise against getting help right out of the gate. Most marketing agencies I've dealt with are TERRIBLE at dealing with small businesses.