Taking a trip to Rome, Florence and Vienna at the end of May. Any suggestions welcomed.
I'm going to 9 days, 8 nights. I plan on staying 3 nights in Rome, 2 nights in Florence and the remaining 3 nights in Vienna. I'll be solo, so I think I'll be able to cover more ground.EuropeanAg said:
How many days are you planning? How do you plan to get from Italy to Vienna?
The fastest train journey is 10 hours. Unless you have a stop in between, it would
be better to fly.
About 3-4 full days in Rome will be plenty but plan a bit more because of jetlag.
In Rome, culture is everywhere you look, can't go wrong.
3 nights 2 full days in Florence should be enough, but you could make other
side trips like to Siena, for example.
3-4 days in Vienna should do. Check out Castle Schnbrunn. It is beautiful
and historic. Sacher Torte in Vienna is where the original cake comes from.
The coffee houses are lovely.
Train connections can be found here: