Also Pok Pok is awesome. Instead of waiting for 2 hours go across the street to Whiskey Soda, get drinks, and get Ike's Wings. Same owners as Pok Pok and a lot of the same menu items.
If Pok Pok isn't a long wait eat there. Still get Ike's Wings.
[This message has been edited by Adam Ag 98 (edited 3/2/2012 10:11p).]
Nervy, just thought of another place you might like. Starky's for brunch. $7 all you can drink can sit and drink as long as you like, and the food is good too.
the best part about it is that you get to mix your own...they just keep bringing bottles of champagne and orange juice to the table. you can make them as weak or strong as you want and the bottles keep coming.