txags92 said:
Beat40 said:
BQRyno said:
Bregman doesn't need to be down for weeks to "prove it." We have guys with a better ops (nearly every other player) who should be in the cleanup spot. Bregman doesn't belong there until/unless he's the best option for that spot. That's it.
But the question is actually how long? If he hits like he did 2017-2023 (excluding 2019) for 1 week? 2 weeks? 3 weeks? Because that hitter is currently better than Pena.
Bregman is to going to catch up in OPS, so, you're going to have to use a time period to judge if he's back to form.
So again, how long are you waiting to move him back to 4. The Astros need the 2017-2023 (excluding 2019) Alex Bregman in the 4-spot badly, so if he goes he's back to that, you have to move him back to the 4 even if his OPS is lower than Peña and Meyers.
You keep acting like it is a foregone conclusion that he will revert back to 2017-2023 Bregman hitting from the 4 spot. If we were 3 weeks into the season, I would share your optimism. We are at the end of May and I no longer do.
I think the Bregman we see right now is who he is this year until he proves otherwise over a significant period of time. What is "a significant period of time"? To me it is more than one series against ****ty pitching and probably more than a week.
If somebody told you Kessinger was hitting .330 with an .800+ OPS for a week, would you start making plans for the rest of the season around him hitting high in the order? If not, why do it for a known streaky hitter like Bregman if he happens to string together a couple of good outings?
I haven't assumed anything. I keep saying "IF."
The fact is 2017-2023 Bregman is a much, much better hitter than this year's Peña, and IF, while he's in the 5th spot he appears to revert back to 2017-2023 Alex Bregman, you cannot afford to have that guy batting 5th any longer than you need to.
Only reason I'm asking the hypothetical is because people don't want Bregman rushed back into the 4th spot, so I'm asking how long it would take for you to move him back there if he reverted to who his track record says he is.
Your comparison of Kessinger and Bregman is not a good one. They are not even in the same stratosphere. I get you don't trust a thing about Bregman right now, but come on, comparing him to Kessinger? One has skins on the wall and the other holds coffee. One has done it for 7 years, the other hasn't even done it at all.
If he hits like 2017-2023 Bregman for 2 weeks, coupled with his track record, I'm way, way more comfortable with him in the 4 spot.