Guess altuve thought they forgot how to catch pop flies?
All I do is Nguyen said:
You forget he stole 2nd AND 3rd in a game recently?
scrimp said:
For a guy that is an HOF level player in most aspects of the game, Altuve makes baserunning errors that would irritate me at the little league level....
_veeyah_ said:
Feel like the whole dugout should start yelling at Altuve…."BAAAACCCCKKKK!!!"
scrimp said:
Again, I have to ask why some plays are reviewable/challengeable and others are not. Seems to be an easy one to review and correct. But MLB loves an inconsistent replay system.
scrimp said:
Again, I have to ask why some plays are reviewable/challengeable and others are not. Seems to be an easy one to review and correct. But MLB loves an inconsistent replay system.