I will start this by saying that I understand there is and will be criticism, much of it valid, about select baseball. I get that. Just try to pretend that we are all sitting at bar having this conversation and don't use the anonymity of the internet as an excuse to be a ******bag.
Select baseball also has a lot of positives, and every one of the kids that plays baseball at Olsen Field this year came up through it.
This thread is about keeping kids healthy in the current youth baseball environment, not really the environment itself.
Little League Elbow
No elbow pain is OK. Ever. If a child has any elbow pain shut them down immediately and take them to a doctor.
MLB pitching recs for youth players
Follow this. If you are a parent and see these rules being broken make a bunch of noise. If your coach doesnt listen leave the team. We follow this very carefully and it still happened.
Select baseball also has a lot of positives, and every one of the kids that plays baseball at Olsen Field this year came up through it.
This thread is about keeping kids healthy in the current youth baseball environment, not really the environment itself.
Little League Elbow
No elbow pain is OK. Ever. If a child has any elbow pain shut them down immediately and take them to a doctor.
MLB pitching recs for youth players
Follow this. If you are a parent and see these rules being broken make a bunch of noise. If your coach doesnt listen leave the team. We follow this very carefully and it still happened.