Kellso said:
JeffBagwell said:
Aggies2009 said:
With Aaron Judge speeding towards 62 home runs, people have been debating what the "real" home run record is.
Some say Bonds and his 73.
Some say Maris with 61 because he didn't use steroids.
A few say Babe Ruth because he hit 60 in 154 games and Maris hit 61 in 162.
If Judge hits 62, where do you see it? Is that the "real" record? Or just the AL record?
How do you know judge hasn't used steroids or hgh?
Great point.
I love how we are supposed to ignore that a 6'7 280 pound athlete that looks to be almost all muscle........... has obviously never juiced or took performing enhancing drugs.
This is all because the media likes Aaron Judge.
73 is the record. Barry Bonds is without a doubt the best MLB player I've ever seen in my life.
For a number of seasons, Bonds was absolutely the best ever; no argument whatsoever. Before he cheated, he was definitely top 50 of all time, but after cheating, he was arguably better than Ruth, Williams, Mays and Aaron in their best seasons.
All that said, career wise, Willie Mays was the best ever. But these are subjective arguments!