rbtexan said:
Matter of opinion I guess. I don't find it sterile at all. Also didn't have any issues with the sight lines when I went, they were actually great where I was.
The old Arlington Stadium was an absolute dump. The Ballpark was a good park, but the heat made it unbearable most of the time. I went to the Sunday afternoon game the year they hosted the All-Star game in Arlington. My seat was on the 3rd base line, I think gametime was about 1pm or so. Now I'm one of those people who stays for the whole game....I do it at Kyle Field, I do it when I go to see the Rangers. But that game, it was so unbelievably hot I had to give up after 3 innings. Watched the rest of the game on a TV monitor by a concession stand.
They did just about everything right in the old Ballpark with the critical exception of not having a roof on it.
What Sections were you in? Just curious. If you look at a map... the seats are true to the map, in the Sections I've sat. With the seats perpendicular to the concrete, your natural resting direction in almost every section is the top of 2nd Base. You litterally have to turn your head 35+ degrees to see the pitching mound and about 45degrees to see home plate.
The seats are positioned as a muti-use venue where eyes are focused at the center of the field. RBiA had hard sides on the seats, so when we saw a concert, you had to rotate to the OF and it made for a very uncomfortable seat. The new park has smaller (and I think plastic) arms to the chairs which allows you to better swivel (at least compared to RBiA).
I kinda liked the bleacher seats at Arlington Stadium. I don't know that I ever got a chance to sit anywhere else.

We was poor.
Agreed... their biggest failure at RBiA was not designing it with an after-market retractable roof.
I too am someone who stays for the entire game. Been to well over 300 Dallas Stars games and probably left early maybe a dozen times.