spaceman said:
So WHY exactly is the entire media establishment seemingly in agreement about the inevitably of a Warriors/Cavs rematch?
Are they favored? Sure. With reason? Maybe. But throwing around words like "inevitable"? Come on.
Five Thirty Eight says the Warriors have an 83% chance of winning the title. Spurs 5%, Cavaliers 5%, Celtics 4%, etc .....
How is that possible? Yes, the Warriors are great, yes they have the best record ... but not as good as last year's record, when the Finals went 7 games. So why the lovefest?
Also I'd note that (if you believe 538) the Cavs are only 1% chance higher than the Celtics. So how can anyone just assume the Cavs will win the East? Because Lebron? One great player does not a team make. They aren't even the number 1 seed.
I don't have solid data to dispute anyone, I just think a whooollllle lotta folks are jumping to conclusions, driven perhaps by what they WANT to see: a rematch.
The Cavs have looked really good in the playoffs whereas the Celtics have struggled with the Bulls and Wizards. They also have Lebron and Kyrie whereas Boston really just has Isiah, so yeah, I'd heavily lean towards the Cavs making it there with relative ease, even though they are the 2 seed.
As for the Warriors, they have an amazing team and have steam rolled everyone so far. The Spurs are hurt and the Rockets try to do what the Warriors do, they just aren't as good at it.
I don't think people are really jumping to conclusions, and apparently the 538 numbers don't either