letters at random said:
Fun fact:
Jordan never won a playoff series without Pippen. He was Russell Westbrook before Pippen showed up.
Bulls rosters with Jordan that didn't include Pippen:
Dave Corzine
Quintin Dailey
Chris Engler
Sidney Green
Dave Greenwood
Rod Higgins
Steve Johnson
Caldwell Jones
Charles Jones
Michael Jordan
Wes Matthews
Jawann Oldham
Ennis Whatley
Orlando Woolridge
1986 (MJ missed 64 games this season):
Gene Banks
Ron Brewer
Tony Brown
Dave Corzine
Quintin Dailey
George Gervin
Sidney Green
Rod Higgins
Mike Holton
Michael JOrdan
Kyle Macy
Billy McKinney
Charles Oakley
Jawann Oldham
John Paxon
Mike Smrek
Orlando Woolridge
Gene Banks
Mike Brown
Fred Cofield
Steve Colter
Dave Corzine
Earl Cureton
Darren Daye
Michael Jordan
Pete Myers
Charles Oakley
John Paxon
Ben Poquette
Brad Sellers
Sedale Threatt
Elston Turner
Granville Waiters
Perry Young
I'm sure these teams would've gone to three straight finals with Pippen in place of Jordan right? Surprise, like EVERY OTHER great player in history, Jordan needed some good teammates. But don't act like he was nothing and then Pippen showed up and saved him. He only played barely more than two full seasons without Pippen and he played with literal hot garbage. Also every one of these teams made the playoffs, which is a major accomplishment by itself.
Pippen was an all time great player but he needed Jordan far more than the other way around. Remember when Pippen carried that awful Blazers team to a championship in 2000? Oh wait...I'm remembering it wrong. That was the year a completely stacked Blazers team had a 15 point lead in the 4th quarter of game 7 of the WCF and Pippen took a fat dump all over himself