Smart fined for this Flop
In watching this Heat blowout of Charlotte, and then knowing I'll be watching Golden State later, I can't figure out what is and what isn't a moving or illegal screen.
Hornets have been called for a couple, not sure why it isn't called more.
Livingston tossed on back to back techs
quote:Just think, if LIvingston ran back and played defense, he would still be in the game.
That's a pretty horrendous double tech call by that ref. Get some thick skin, the game isnt about you.
quote:Livingston could have walked away after the first. It is on him.
That's a pretty horrendous double tech call by that ref. Get some thick skin, the game isnt about you.
If Livingston gets tossed for that....Draymond Green should have been gone about 5 minutes before that incident. Amazing that Green can run his mouth to the officials.
BTW, can't stand Andre Iguodola. If I were an official, I wouldn't call a foul in his favor unless he is bleeding or has an arm barely hanging on.
But having a reputation of flopping shouldn't keep you from getting any real calls.
But having a reputation of flopping shouldn't keep you from getting any real calls. was a joke. Goodness.