John Lopez on BON
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8:04a, 11/21/06
John Lopez recently interviewed with BurntOrangeNation(a particularly good tsip blog) and had these comments to say:

A&M, we may have won our last MNC in 1939; but we are the only school to kidnap every mascot in the SWC

8:10a, 11/21/06
John Lopez is an idiot. In general I think his columns would be more appropriate in the Statesman than in the Chronicle. It is not too surprising that he has jumped on the "I want to suck off Colt" bandwagon.
8:12a, 11/21/06
fairly honest and insightful comments
BMX Bandit
8:13a, 11/21/06
Colt has sucked this year. don't know why anyone would want to be on his bandwagon. I also think Fran has done a tremendous job, taxes should be raised & Toby Keith is a musical genius.
8:16a, 11/21/06
Not saying he hasn't played great, just tired of hearing about it I guess. I need more coffee.
8:20a, 11/21/06
I was about to rip your ass after reading your first line.........then I read the rest of your post

Lopez, comments were fair and pretty accurate. You guys who call others 'hacks' for not stroking the Aggies 24/7 need to grow up and live in the real world.

Now the thing that I call livin' is just bein' satisfied with knowin' I got no one else to blame

8:23a, 11/21/06
Suprised no comments on the Jerrod Johnson stuff...

Best QB since Kevin Murray and it gets bupkiss in the way of comments

A&M, we may have won our last MNC in 1939; but we are the only school to kidnap every mascot in the SWC

8:25a, 11/21/06
Good comments on Fran's situation.

And while there are exceptions, I think he was pretty astute about the instant-gratification crowd being young. The squeeky wheels he calls them, what we call potbangers, sometimes don't have a sense of long-term perspective. But to be fair, they shouldn't require that to have a valid opinion. Because they are the ones buying the tickets right now and deserve a return on their investment.

And sometimes they, like all of us, just need a place to blow off steam. This is their place.
8:25a, 11/21/06
BMX Bandit
posted 8:13a, 11/21/06

"Colt has sucked this year. don't know why anyone would want to be on his bandwagon. I also think Fran has done a tremendous job, taxes should be raised & Toby Keith is a musical genius."

"Toby Keith is a musical genius." You sir have no shame.

R.R. Ag
8:28a, 11/21/06
I pretty much agree with 98% of what the guy said
8:33a, 11/21/06
I think that Lopez is great. He is very honest and realistic but I still get the feel that he is an Ag.

I think we need more JLos.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Check out "Texas A&M & Baseball In No Particular Order"
8:47a, 11/21/06
Suprised no comments on the Jerrod Johnson stuff...

Best QB since Kevin Murray and it gets bupkiss in the way of comments

That's because he hasn't played in a real game yet. We heard the same stuff about McGee before this year (although I do think Lopez underrated McGee in that article). We heard the same about McNeal. Farris was the pro-style QB that was gonna save the offense. Let's let the kid get on the field and win some games before we start slappin' each other on the back.

Now the thing that I call livin' is just bein' satisfied with knowin' I got no one else to blame

8:51a, 11/21/06
Hence, "while there are exceptions" and "sometimes"

You are not alone Janag!
8:53a, 11/21/06
There were people on here saying mcgee should start over mcneal.
8:54a, 11/21/06
I think the two groups, pro and anti Fran, do not necessarily divide by age at all. There are those who argue that Rome wasn't built in a day, and then there are those who can see that this person will never be able to effectively rule over Rome should he ever get it built.
8:58a, 11/21/06
The overriding point in all of this is that he isn't hearing from the right people that Fran is done regardless of the results on T+1. that's how I've seen it in recent weeks. I knew the details for RCs dismissal two days after the OU game, a game we won by the way. I'm not hearing anything of the sort this time around. I just don't think the big money guys are willing to admit they were wrong so quickly.
Prexys Moon
9:06a, 11/21/06
Say what you want....but it sounds pretty dead on.
9:10a, 11/21/06
Colt has sucked this year. don't know why anyone would want to be on his bandwagon. I also think Fran has done a tremendous job, taxes should be raised & Toby Keith is a musical genius.

9:12a, 11/21/06
LoyalAg, good observations - the silence is deafening and you might be right about cause.

OR they're seeing something positive that critics either do not, cannot, or will not.
9:14a, 11/21/06
John Lopez:

"Longhorns fans like to compare Fran to John Mackovic. Actually, Aggies do, too.
I think the more appropriate comparison in terms of in-game demeanor is David McWilliams. Yes, I know McWilliams was and is a Texas boy.

But I'm talking about in-game. McWilliams always looked confused or overwhelmed. He probably wasn't, but he looked laid-back, looking around, as if he really wasn't in control. And he similarly had a lot of close, tough losses and big decisions backfire.

That's Fran."

True dat. And that is the reason for all the constant frustration. It has little to do with instant gratification...

Fans/Alumni at other programs wouldn't stand for 1 for 12 or whatever against the "good" inter-division conference opponents and such a poor record against ranked teams and thankfully we do not either.

John Lopez:
"Fran is not a popular man among those who post on forums, call radio shows and send me notes. But you've hit on a very important thing in our age of information. Don't base EVERYTHING on the squeaky wheels."

...I beg to differ he is extremely popular..but on a more serious note -- THE SQUEAKY WHEEL DOES SPEAKETH, LOUD AND CLEAR (3 sellouts in 7 home games), hmmmm...

Good luck Coach Fran, this squeaky wheel says you and we need this game in a HUGE way.

Gig em G
9:31a, 11/21/06
George Lopez is funny
9:49a, 11/21/06
I won't argue with a lot of what J. Lopez said. In fact I agree with some of it and the rest there is enough conjecture not to make a covincing rebuttal. That said, I'm not sure about his assessment of the Aggies chances. I think A&M has an excellant shot in Austin if the Coaches put together a decent game plan that allows us to exploit t.u. weakness which is defending the pass and assuming we don't spot t.u. 21 points in the 1st half.
10:03a, 11/21/06
Kind of funny how so many of their fans are quick to tell us how little we matter to them, yet they devote something like this to a discussion of us. That tells you at least, that they all know that we have the potential to be what we all know we can be.
10:10a, 11/21/06
The advantage that Johnson will have, say over McNeal, is that our defense will be pretty d@mn impressive by the time he starts.
10:44a, 11/21/06
Jon Lopez is a great Aggie and a great sports writer.IMO.
12:12p, 11/21/06
OK, I'll throw my two cents in. Lopez nailed it. Sorry to say, but I have to agree. With our current offensive style, we are not going to upset t.u. at their place. Plus, if Fran decides to trade touchdowns for field goals (3rd and 2, etc) then we cannot shock the world.

"Desire, determination, spirit, the will to win, love of contact - call it what you like; it still can cover a multitude of sins in a football game." Coach Dana X. Bible

"Ten Aggies can yell louder than a hundred of anyone else." Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant
12:45p, 11/21/06
Kind of funny how so many of their fans are quick to tell us how little we matter to them

Kind of funny, indeed.

BMX Bandit
1:16p, 11/21/06
don't understand that poster.
2:04p, 11/21/06
What did ever happen to miller58? Great poster.
BMX Bandit
5:01p, 11/21/06
can anyone explain the poster?
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