It wasn't that long ago, sorry I can't just so cavalierly toss aside Fran's first year as you. Do you think we were paying him with monopoly money that year? Maybe he'll give us the $2M he earned that year back as a refund.
Oh, and we were still losing games in embarrasing fashion last season as well, I suppose we should just toss that year out too since Fran was still playing with some of RCs cancerous ne'er do wells.
[This message has been edited by MemAg92 (edited 11/14/2006 10:35p).]
Oh, and we were still losing games in embarrasing fashion last season as well, I suppose we should just toss that year out too since Fran was still playing with some of RCs cancerous ne'er do wells.
[This message has been edited by MemAg92 (edited 11/14/2006 10:35p).]