He also made the gutsy move to bench Jerrod Johnson, a talented and beloved QB who was turning the ball over too much, to switch to Tannehill.
Turned the ball over too much is an understatement. But it wasn't a gutsy call. Johnson lost a fumble in the first half against FIU. I don't recall if that's when his shoulder got injured. But after halftime, he came out with zero zip on the ball. The next 7 passes resulted in 2 completions, 1 incompletion, and 4 interceptions. Yet, Sherman didn't pull him. Luckily we were able to come from behind or FIU would be on the wall of shame too. Next week against Okie State, 4 more interceptions. Two more losses and shakyness against Kansas (3-9, 1-7 Big XII) and Sherman FINALLY made the call. By then everyone knew Johnson wasn't 100% and had known for about 1/3 of the season.
Sherman was a good coach and knew football. But he struggled to adapt to new situations. The second half collapses were not some fluke or bad luck. It was a symptom of his personality trait. The other team would adjust, and we would not. It's what got him fired. Not anything really football related, but his boss's boss decided we were going to the SEC and Sherman wasn't on board. Here is some career advice, when your company president says the company is making a big change, you need to say "Yes sir!" and get onboard with that change. If you have reservations, bring those up in private.