Forment Fan said:
The Refs should not play a role, giving them mics makes it worse.
Football should get rid of replay and refs in the broadcast booth.
The game talks too much about calls and not enough about plays.
All this officiating talk has caused anger and frustration of penalties that are gray area and subjective.
NCAA needs to monitor Ref lifestyles to see if there is corruption and game manipulation.
Might be the dumbest thing I've read today. Refs are designed to play a role in the game, by enforcing the damn rules. That's literally their job and the point of their existence is to play a role in the game.
That was the most textbook example of targeting on a defenseless receiver I have ever seen that was reviewed and not called
Calls get missed all the time in live action, that's part of the game. It is inexcusable for that call to not be made during a review.