When retorts like this happen to a valid comment on her feed, takes the low road.
Barstool is what it is and they aren't changing. I'd just like to see KS stop tying herself so strongly to A&M with all the contrarian things she says. This isn't about bad football opinions, it's about toxic posting habits
Barstool is what it is and they aren't changing. I'd just like to see KS stop tying herself so strongly to A&M with all the contrarian things she says. This isn't about bad football opinions, it's about toxic posting habits
Good Lord you’re an idiot.
— Kayce Smith (@KayceSmith) December 28, 2024
Saying I’m tired is not complaining nor crying. We’re allowed to be tired when we have days like we did yesterday. And I’ll also say whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want.
— Kayce Smith (@KayceSmith) December 22, 2024
Mix in a water.