It's started anew! Use this handy aid to get your excuses ready for this cycle!
Year 1
"This coach is new he just needs to get his guys! Just be patient, just wait till next year"
Year 2
"Ok he has his guys but they need to learn his system! Just be patient, just wait till next year!
Year 3
"Ok they've learned his system but they're still underclassmen! Just be patient, just wait till next year!"
Year 4
"Ok they're upperclassmen but this assistant coach isn't working out! Just be patient, just wait till next year!"
Year 5
"Ok this whole coaching staff isn't working out so let's get a new HC! Just be patient, just wait till next year!"
Year 1
"This coach is new…"
Year 1
"This coach is new he just needs to get his guys! Just be patient, just wait till next year"
Year 2
"Ok he has his guys but they need to learn his system! Just be patient, just wait till next year!
Year 3
"Ok they've learned his system but they're still underclassmen! Just be patient, just wait till next year!"
Year 4
"Ok they're upperclassmen but this assistant coach isn't working out! Just be patient, just wait till next year!"
Year 5
"Ok this whole coaching staff isn't working out so let's get a new HC! Just be patient, just wait till next year!"
Year 1
"This coach is new…"