cevans_40 said:

He is Ass My Dude said:

BraxtonW said:

BraxtonW said:

Aggie Dad 26 said:

BraxtonW said:

lawless89 said:

Has Weigman been shown on TV? I'm sitting at the 25 yard line just a few rows up and I haven't spotted him on the sidelines yet.

When Reed comes out, he's right by Henderson and a coach, but no Weigman.
I can't see him from student section,but I'm also half blind

We know
tell your qb to pick it up. He's getting outplayed by bowling greens qb lol

BG QB is a fifth year guy that threw for 5000 yds a Mizzou, so yeah, not big a surprise.

Look, I wish both guys nothing but the best and I truly don't care which guy wins the job as long as it results in wins for the team. Reed is undoubtedly more elusive running the ball but right now Conner is more accurate by a pretty good margin. Enough so, that I believe he should be our guy. If Reed can get his completion percentage up then he would take over the top spot.

Did you watch the norte dame game??? Why does Connor get a free pass for being that bad for an entire game?

What makes you think that Connor is more accurate? Go look at his stats against power 5 teams, including his completion percentage. Spoiler alert, it's awful.