RightWingConspirator said:
What have you seen out of A&M that leads you to believe that anyone should be scared of us? National Championship winning coaches have come here and had their careers die. Promising up-and-comers have come here and had their careers die. Once again, what have you seen that should make anyone scared? If anyone should be scared it's Mike Elko.
I think this is pretty ignorant. It doesn't take long to see that Jimbo actually underachieved to his talent levels at FSU 7/8 years at Florida State. Despite top 5 talent every year, his FEI ratings (efficiency based on advance metrics) was 15, 18, 12, 1, 21, 15, 12, 30.
In his last three seasons, Jimbo lost to 11 teams less talented than him. He was showing us exactly who he was going to be at A&M, but the "national championship coach" caused us all to ignore the reality that he just wasn't a very good coach. He was Larry Coker/Gene Chizik.
Elko is the opposite of this. I know it's short, but both years at Duke greatly overachieved to his talent levels, and had A&M overachieving on defense in 2020/2021, too. He has beaten 9 teams ranked higher in recruiting than him the last two seasons. The anti-Jimbo track record.
I'm not saying it will or won't work out. Heck, most coaches are fired within 5-6 years. But we have had two hires since our program has been at the level it is now. Sumlin and Fisher. Some act like this is a 100-year / 10 coach ordeal thing. The A&M program of 1980 or even 2008 have nothing to do with how we are set up now. Our resources/money/facilities have been better than ever the last 12 years. We simply had two coaches that didn't work and there were red flags with both if you looked.
If you have a high-quality head coach in charge, you WILL win here. If Elko is that, he will win. Jimbo wasn't. That's why he didn't win.