ag94ag said:
Dallas, Please educate us as to where the abundance of injuries stem from?
I was a fan of Schmidt and Jimbo was smart for bringing him here. He may have had some injuries like every other program, but it was nothing like what we are experiencing now.
Jimbo has a problem with making changes. He can see the bus coming, he just can't seem to step out of the way.
You have two questions. I'll take the last one 1st.
You claim Jimbo has a problem with making changes. I've heard he is rigid and it is his lack of willingness to change that most have an issue. Is that your issue? Because, losing Schmidt and Elko were likely not choices he wanted. I don't know of anyone that wanted to lose either of them. In those two cases not making a change would have been my desire. You too, I suppose?!
My point about injuries is... I gave 11 examples of players that had nothing to do with Sanders as S&C. Do you disagree with any of them? I'm a fan of Schmidt. Disappointed he left. I'd have to know more about any changes Sanders might have made, if any. To blame him just because it is easy may not fix anything.
In a nutshell - SEC.
Pat Henry had a recent season with a bunch of injuries and it showed in the results. A&M T&F didn't do well. He was asked. He basically said (Summary): "We are asking athletes to do things their bodies were not designed to do. Injuries are a natural part of it and you don't know where that limit is until you've passed it."
Having said all that... we have always had injuries. It seems like we've had more injuries this year but I would have to go back to say how much worse this year.
I think the injuries might be worse. I also think it goes back to being hurt or injured. I think a player like Foster likely tries to gut it through the season if we're playing Conf championship. Some injuries you decide to hang up for the season to get a jump on rehab.
You need at least two QBs to get through the SEC. You are going to have a QB injury.
One last point. I think changing an OL and S&C coach are hazards to consider regarding injury. Not necessarily out of negligence or incompetence. It is about muscle memory and training. If you sleep "wrong" on your neck it isn't because you are an incompetent sleeper, it is likely you slept on it differently than your body is accustomed.
If an new OL coach has a slight difference how a 6'5"/300 lb guy is supposed to pull along the line, he might tweak an ankle... a knee... that suddenly starts discomfort. Now, the player may start favoring his ankle/knee that then causes additional issues.
I'm not saying either change isn't a cause, I'd likely just disagree about why. Not because they aren't good, but because they are retooling a machine that had a different routine. Having said that... of the 11 injuries I listed, none of that applies, AFAIK. In game broken bones, injuries before coming to campus. Mono.