Texas A&M Football
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Robert Ferguson

27,906 Views | 136 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Harry Dunne
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12thMan9 said:

LatinAggie1997 said:

doc99 said:

Demas deserves good representation and his day in court. The kid may or may not have made a huge mistake and assaulted the young woman as she accused. Let the judicial system sort that out.

The Ferguson parents on the other hand look even worse than Demas after their ridiculous retaliation on him. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. They are grown adults intentionally attacking a college kid.

All of you keyboard warriors rooting them on is freaking embarrassing, tbh.

The whole situation is a huge black eye for the university.

Some college "kid" (D1 football player) puts his hands on my daughter and I too will set them straight...period.

I don't know all the facts but a dad having his daughter's back is not dumb,

I'm betting you'd get ***** slapped by a ****** & cry your way back to your momma's basement.

It's amazing nobody is questioning the "family violence" charge in the news nor the fact that they'd apparently been together for some time.

And, the fact Ferguson & his wife went ballistic tells me daughter Star ain't no saint.

Hey, you wouldn't even do anything because you are probably a punk. Males that think and talk like you do are always the coward in the group.
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I bet your wife has got bigger balls than you do.

I won't go into recounting the number of times my second daughter had to rebuff Tyrel Dodson during her days at A-M,nor the football players that came on to my oldest daughter during her time there either. I raised my daughters just fine. And I raised my two sons just fine.

So stfu.
Ronnie '88
Win At Life
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BJC said:

4 said:

Haricougar said:

Alpha Texan said:

I am not old enough to remember the Duke LaX team. What happened?
Entire team was accused of raping some girls at a party. Team was suspended for the rest of the season. A corrupt DA wanted to make a name for himself and was later found to have falsified information.

They made a 30 for 30 about it.

"Falsified information" hardly describes it.

The girls out and out lied. They accused those boys of gang rape when it never happened. At all.

Those boys' lives were ruined and the girls got off with a wrist slap. Court of public opinion didn't care at all that they never did what they were accused of. The media and everybody in the country passed judgment on those kids and ruined their lives when nothing happened.

Women don't think like we do. They can be vicious as hell if they think you have wronged them. Some of them will put your ass in prison because you looked at another woman in a way they didn't approve of.

Shakespeare was right.
All the more reason we men should treat women the way they want to be treated....keep in mind that not all women are "ladies" (an important note for the "gentlemen" here), so men need to be smart dealing with women...

There are some studies indicating women more often start domestic violence than men. Of course that claim is hotly disputed by feminists. Also, for women it's probably more like slapping than closed fist punching. However, the reality of unequal strength (sorry Trans world, but it's true) means the women gets the worst of it. If the biting thing is true, and depending on how much evidence it left, then his reaction could be explained fairly well by a lawyer as good as Buzby. There seems to be more to this story than what's come out, not counting his past offenses.

Women in the US generally have it as good or better than any place on earth. They seem to have forgotten the God ordained pattern of life where men have given them equality. They did not "take" equality, because in every society since the beginning of time where them men of that society have decided to oppress their women, they have always been successful at doing so.
Rasslin Cheesehead
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ag0207 said:

If he is guilty I think an appropriate punishment would be to lock him in a room with Robert Ferguson for 30 minutes.

It wouldn't take 30 minutes…. It would be 1st round TKO
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What a mess, Demond will be too big of a distraction for the team, he needs to go.
Jugstore Cowboy
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You sound like a short man.
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Harry Lime said:

You sound like a short man.
5'7 with shoes on brah
SEC Champs
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aggieclay said:

It's amazing how FU***** stupid some punks can be! Guy had the world at his feet. Great recruit, great ambassador of the university, was developing after missing his senior yr of high school getting better and better, but decided he didn't want all that fortune and fame!! WOW!! Biggest bust in A&M history, by FAR.

Sorry, but Jorrie Adams may forever own that distinction.

Demas still has a few years of eligibility remaining so we'll see.
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Count me in on Team Ferguson. Give Demas the street justice he deserves.
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TXM Pride said:

doc99 said:

Demas deserves good representation and his day in court. The kid may or may not have made a huge mistake and assaulted the young woman as she accused. Let the judicial system sort that out.

The Ferguson parents on the other hand look even worse than Demas after their ridiculous retaliation on him. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. They are grown adults intentionally attacking a college kid.

All of you keyboard warriors rooting them on is freaking embarrassing, tbh.

The whole situation is a huge black eye for the university.

You sound dumb.. "a college kid". He's not a kid. He's a 20 year old ADULT. Stop acting like there are juveniles involved. Ferguson was defending his ADULT aged daughter against an ADULT male. Mutual combat between consenting adults is legal. However, I don't think Demas wants any part of that. He's more used to a smaller opponent. And before all you idiots with the innocent until proven guilty BS, he was already accused once.. so there's a pattern of behavior. Where there's smoke there's fire. Yes women lie but this is his 3rd or 4th act of poor judgement since he's been an A&M
Student. He can leave now.
I hate to rain on a perfectly mediocre internet tough guy routine so I'll keep this short. The rest of us can't wait to read the more astute retorts like "you sound dumb", "all you idiots" and "guilty BS". Riveting.

Facts to consider what ADULT (and even the lower-case boring one) means in this situation.

Fact #1: The male brain doesn't fully develop until, on average, the age of 25. This largely affects decision-making prowess.

Fact #2: The same government which will try him is the same one that deems him too young to make healthy/safe decisions about consuming alcohol.
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Harry Lime said:

Jimbo4win said:

Riddle me this..what happens to a girl if she pushes a guy, bites him and tries to gouge his eyes with her fingernails? Let's say the guy does nothing about it and then tells police. Will she be treated the same as a guy in the court of law? I KNOW for a FACT she won't be treated the same in the court of public opinion.
Women can and do get arrested and charged for domestic violence. This is not a groundbreaking hypothetical you've thrown out there.

Maybe, but it was a relevant and good question for good reason.
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I understand he's suspended, but go a step further and just get rid of the dude. He's worthless
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So, any chance Demas plays for us again?
I hate tu. It's in my blood.
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The only good news is we have a couple stud receivers signed plus several established pieces. We are going to be fine at receiver. May work out for the best opening up playing time for the other young guns.
Ag in Tiger Country
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BJC said:

Jimbo4win said:

Harry Lime said:

Jimbo4win said:

Riddle me this..what happens to a girl if she pushes a guy, bites him and tries to gouge his eyes with her fingernails? Let's say the guy does nothing about it and then tells police. Will she be treated the same as a guy in the court of law? I KNOW for a FACT she won't be treated the same in the court of public opinion.
Women can and do get arrested and charged for domestic violence. This is not a groundbreaking hypothetical you've thrown out there.

The point being…MANY on this forum have the opinion that women are sweet and innocent. Perhaps they grew up in rural areas. Perhaps times were different when they were dating. My experience and the experience of MANY of my guy friends is that LOTS of women of today get pissed and initiate contact, often violently. Often times alcohol or drugs may be involved and maybe the guy did something stupid(let a girl find out you've been cheating on her and see what she is capable of). When it happens, they have ALL of the rage and they are fighting to win whereas the guy is caught in an incredibly difficult no win situation. She is fighting to win and he is simply not trying to lose so to speak. Now, imagine a girl biting, choking, gouging eyes/mouth, kicking, slapping come at you and see how you respond after she gets two or three solid legit contacts in..girls of today know they can get away with that behavior and often times in a relationship, they do it MULTIPLE times and the if the guy ever makes one wrong move(even simply pushes her away). he is toast!

To bring it back to football, many on here had NOTHING to say when JFF slapped Colleen Crowley in the head for trying to leave his car. Why was that? Could it be because JFF produced whereas Demas hasn't done s***?
As a Gen-Xer late fortysomething black man I was born in a small town and grew up in a nearby rural community no further than 30 miles from Texas A&M. As a boy I too was raised up to be a "gentleman" (like many others here) towards females up to the point of putting them on a pedestal. Before you call me "woke", do keep in mind that I am not that; I am just "aware" of how some women are.

Although well-intentioned at first, I found out years later that being a "gentleman" was in fact disrespectful towards women because they too are human beings that can talk, think, feel, believe, etc., just like men can. I too was taught to not fight women but when I witnessed what they can do to men I started to see them as equals in many things (we have to realize that not every woman is a "lady" as told to me by my late female cousin, may she RIP). As a boy and a young man I remember the old men telling belligerent women "Do not put yourself in a man's place", which is a warning men tell to women who are positioning themselves as a threat to a man. Many men who underestimating the threat of a belligerent woman have been hurt, injured, maimed, disabled, or killed after suffering a woman's attack.

In my youth I too have unfortunately witnessed men physically abusing their girlfriends and I have also unfortunately witnessed women physically abusing their boyfriends as well; in each case I have seen law enforcement called to the scene to address the domestic abuse.

Regarding this saga, it would be best for us here to let the legal system go through the process to see who is guilty and who is innocent. Pointing fingers and making blanket statements may not do us any favors in the case that potential recruits are looking at this site.

Let me join the circle-jerk of attorneys pontificating towards others and respectfully suggest YOU (as a forty-something Black man) park that notion about treating a woman equally in an incident, including domestic ones; you see, while I agree with dang-near everything you wrote, you have overlooked the cunningness of a female "victim." While their whole life wasn't lived as a "lady", when they are sitting on a victim's seat at the police station or in a witness stand, they get to enjoy a blank slate since society can't help themselves but to lend a sympathetic ear.

SO, should you ever physically strike a female but argue equality as a justification, the audience is more sympathetic to a female who can easily & conveniently embrace those inequalities that conferred an actual &/or perceived advantage enjoyed by you. AND, if your victim is an 18 yr-old White sorority brat, then as a forty-something Black man, you're ****ED!
Ag in Tiger Country
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Meximan said:

greg.w.h said:

sambaag said:

He's innocent until proven guilty, but if the incident went down anything like as described by Demond's girlfriend, then Robert Feguson just rose on my list of favorite Aggies. I say that as the father of two daughters.

He deserves a vigorous defense by competent counsel. Getting a fair trial will be difficult in BCS if former NFL players and their wives assault him regularly to try and privately dispense vigilante Justice…

Keep in mind charges are always one person's side and they are investigated very much with prejudice. The rest of the law enforcement process tends to work to the assumption the charges are accurate and the investigation itself often us a trap to get through prosecution faster by getting the accused to say or do things that can he used against him:

And a significant majority of cases get pled out because of ramifications if found guilty. He cannot afford to plead out if he wants to play in the NFL. Must hire counsel and pay for private investigation to, unfortunately, bring to light the character of the accused. We have a confrontational justice system but most of the cards are stacked for the prosecution.

Which is why it's extremely important to not just make throw down comments about "innocent until proven guilty" followed by prejudicial comments. Some day you might have to work through criminal charges against someone you know and figure it out.

My favorite at Texas A&M is the student who presents fake ids…and parents that decide their kids can find out the hard way by staying overnight in custody. So brilliant…
When I've done voir dires for jury duty, literally half the people in the audience say they have already prejudged the accused without hearing any evidence. Much of America presumes guilt and requires proof of innocence.

Bro, don't use such instances as an indictment of society, especially since those "in the know" understand that uttering such a statement is a guarantee of instantaneously getting out of jury duty!!
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Generic comment on the "college kid" posts. I agree 100 percent that college students are not "kids." Are 18-23 year olds in the military and in the civilian workforce "kids?" No, there are adults. Why do college coaches constantly refer to players as "kids." One Aggie coach in particular says "kids" and "that kid" multiple times in interviews that have heard. I suppose that it's just a habit.
(This might be a slow day.)
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doc99 said:

Demas deserves good representation and his day in court. The kid may or may not have made a huge mistake and assaulted the young woman as she accused. Let the judicial system sort that out.

The Ferguson parents on the other hand look even worse than Demas after their ridiculous retaliation on him. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. They are grown adults intentionally attacking a college kid.

All of you keyboard warriors rooting them on is freaking embarrassing, tbh.

The whole situation is a huge black eye for the university.

This is not a black eye for our university. The university part comes into question if Demas ever plays football here again.
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rootube said:

The university part comes into question if Demas ever plays football here again.

well he probably will play here again, OU joins the conference in a couple years
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The girlfriend in question (R. Ferguson's daughter) is on the TAMU softball team (I was not aware of that).
maroon barchetta
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JROD9398 said:

The girlfriend in question (R. Ferguson's daughter) is on the TAMU softball team (I was not aware of that).

It was mentioned earlier.

Also, it's all over Ferguson's social media.
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When I've done voir dires for jury duty, literally half the people in the audience say they have already prejudged the accused without hearing any evidence. Much of America presumes guilt and requires proof of innocence.
Most likely a lot of those people just don't want to be on the jury and used that as an excuse.
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Sumlin has lost control of Robert Ferguson!
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Hey Ag in Tiger Country; you forgot about Joe Mixon; he's a young black man who harassed a homosexual and when an "18 year old white sorority girl" pushed him he rearranged her face with a massive sucker punch which required thousands of dollars in reconstructive facial surgery. Now he's a millionaire in the NFL. So stop with the race baiting. Dumb***.
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Alpha Texan said:

BrandoC said:

This is bizarre. Her dad is Jason Ferguson and Demas is represented by big time Aggie donor Tony Buzzbee.
Was this resolved? Is the dad Jason? or Robert?
maroon barchetta
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Rectitude said:

Alpha Texan said:

BrandoC said:

This is bizarre. Her dad is Jason Ferguson and Demas is represented by big time Aggie donor Tony Buzzbee.
Was this resolved? Is the dad Jason? or Robert?

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cevans_40 said:

GigEm81 said:

It's kind of interesting how quick the majority seem to be to accept that Demas is guilty of something and deserves condemnation.

Hopefully the facts come out and he is judged fairly by the legal process.

Similarly, any vigilante actions by Ferguson are not excused. We have legal processes to address these matters.

I am waiting to withhold judgement on Robert Ferguson. Maybe you should consider less hypocrisy.
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MechTechAg said:

TXM Pride said:

doc99 said:

Demas deserves good representation and his day in court. The kid may or may not have made a huge mistake and assaulted the young woman as she accused. Let the judicial system sort that out.

The Ferguson parents on the other hand look even worse than Demas after their ridiculous retaliation on him. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. They are grown adults intentionally attacking a college kid.

All of you keyboard warriors rooting them on is freaking embarrassing, tbh.

The whole situation is a huge black eye for the university.

You sound dumb.. "a college kid". He's not a kid. He's a 20 year old ADULT. Stop acting like there are juveniles involved. Ferguson was defending his ADULT aged daughter against an ADULT male. Mutual combat between consenting adults is legal. However, I don't think Demas wants any part of that. He's more used to a smaller opponent. And before all you idiots with the innocent until proven guilty BS, he was already accused once.. so there's a pattern of behavior. Where there's smoke there's fire. Yes women lie but this is his 3rd or 4th act of poor judgement since he's been an A&M
Student. He can leave now.
I hate to rain on a perfectly mediocre internet tough guy routine so I'll keep this short. The rest of us can't wait to read the more astute retorts like "you sound dumb", "all you idiots" and "guilty BS". Riveting.

Facts to consider what ADULT (and even the lower-case boring one) means in this situation.

Fact #1: The male brain doesn't fully develop until, on average, the age of 25. This largely affects decision-making prowess.

Fact #2: The same government which will try him is the same one that deems him too young to make healthy/safe decisions about consuming alcohol.

Perhaps he would be better served being institutionalized in a mental health facility until proven that his brain is no longer developing.
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MagnumLoad said:

So, any chance Demas plays for us again?

My guess is no even if he is never convicted of anything. The title IX stuff is separate from the legal process.
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I have to deal with Title IX cases on college campuses. I've yet to see one with a "good" ending. Neither side is ever happy.

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Ag in Tiger Country said:

BJC said:

Jimbo4win said:

Harry Lime said:

Jimbo4win said:

Riddle me this..what happens to a girl if she pushes a guy, bites him and tries to gouge his eyes with her fingernails? Let's say the guy does nothing about it and then tells police. Will she be treated the same as a guy in the court of law? I KNOW for a FACT she won't be treated the same in the court of public opinion.
Women can and do get arrested and charged for domestic violence. This is not a groundbreaking hypothetical you've thrown out there.

The point being…MANY on this forum have the opinion that women are sweet and innocent. Perhaps they grew up in rural areas. Perhaps times were different when they were dating. My experience and the experience of MANY of my guy friends is that LOTS of women of today get pissed and initiate contact, often violently. Often times alcohol or drugs may be involved and maybe the guy did something stupid(let a girl find out you've been cheating on her and see what she is capable of). When it happens, they have ALL of the rage and they are fighting to win whereas the guy is caught in an incredibly difficult no win situation. She is fighting to win and he is simply not trying to lose so to speak. Now, imagine a girl biting, choking, gouging eyes/mouth, kicking, slapping come at you and see how you respond after she gets two or three solid legit contacts in..girls of today know they can get away with that behavior and often times in a relationship, they do it MULTIPLE times and the if the guy ever makes one wrong move(even simply pushes her away). he is toast!

To bring it back to football, many on here had NOTHING to say when JFF slapped Colleen Crowley in the head for trying to leave his car. Why was that? Could it be because JFF produced whereas Demas hasn't done s***?
As a Gen-Xer late fortysomething black man I was born in a small town and grew up in a nearby rural community no further than 30 miles from Texas A&M. As a boy I too was raised up to be a "gentleman" (like many others here) towards females up to the point of putting them on a pedestal. Before you call me "woke", do keep in mind that I am not that; I am just "aware" of how some women are.

Although well-intentioned at first, I found out years later that being a "gentleman" was in fact disrespectful towards women because they too are human beings that can talk, think, feel, believe, etc., just like men can. I too was taught to not fight women but when I witnessed what they can do to men I started to see them as equals in many things (we have to realize that not every woman is a "lady" as told to me by my late female cousin, may she RIP). As a boy and a young man I remember the old men telling belligerent women "Do not put yourself in a man's place", which is a warning men tell to women who are positioning themselves as a threat to a man. Many men who underestimating the threat of a belligerent woman have been hurt, injured, maimed, disabled, or killed after suffering a woman's attack.

In my youth I too have unfortunately witnessed men physically abusing their girlfriends and I have also unfortunately witnessed women physically abusing their boyfriends as well; in each case I have seen law enforcement called to the scene to address the domestic abuse.

Regarding this saga, it would be best for us here to let the legal system go through the process to see who is guilty and who is innocent. Pointing fingers and making blanket statements may not do us any favors in the case that potential recruits are looking at this site.

Let me join the circle-jerk of attorneys pontificating towards others and respectfully suggest YOU (as a forty-something Black man) park that notion about treating a woman equally in an incident, including domestic ones; you see, while I agree with dang-near everything you wrote, you have overlooked the cunningness of a female "victim." While their whole life wasn't lived as a "lady", when they are sitting on a victim's seat at the police station or in a witness stand, they get to enjoy a blank slate since society can't help themselves but to lend a sympathetic ear.

SO, should you ever physically strike a female but argue equality as a justification, the audience is more sympathetic to a female who can easily & conveniently embrace those inequalities that conferred an actual &/or perceived advantage enjoyed by you. AND, if your victim is an 18 yr-old White sorority brat, then as a forty-something Black man, you're ****ED!
Ag in Tiger Country,

You condescendingly speak to me, a Gen-X late-fortysomething black man, as if I am some idealistic woke millennial/Gen-Zer regarding the phenomenon of unaccountable female criminals . Did it ever occur to you that when I made that post that I have already taken that phenomenon into account?

Contrary to your assumption of my alleged naivete, I too have seen with my own eyes the tendency of the authorities to be more sympathetic towards female victims of domestic abuse but I have also seen women aggressors being arrested for assaulting male victims of domestic abuse as well despite their attempt to plead their female privilege to avoid being held accountable for their physical abuse towards the male...

You may be wondering how did that happen?

Simple, due to EVIDENCE...

Texas A&M Aggie Class of '96
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achooooo said:

Hey Ag in Tiger Country; you forgot about Joe Mixon; he's a young black man who harassed a homosexual and when an "18 year old white sorority girl" pushed him he rearranged her face with a massive sucker punch which required thousands of dollars in reconstructive facial surgery. Now he's a millionaire in the NFL. So stop with the race baiting. Dumb***.

As I have said in the other threads, Joe Mixon was initially physically attacked by Amelia Molitor. The reason why he is not in jail is because of the principle of "mutually-assured destruction" (for a lack of a better term):

Due to her injuries that she obtained, Amelia Molitor wanted to sue Joe Mixon, but upon later discovery of her criminal record via previous convictions (drugs, etc.) that would be used against her in the lawsuit in conjunction with her attacking Joe Mixon first as the video depicted she eventually decided that it was not in her best interest to pursue her lawsuit further due to the possibility of her incriminating herself risking damaging her reputation and/or possible incarceration (if he went to jail then she would too go to jail as well according to the law).

She wisely dropped her pursuit, agreed to meet with Joe Mixon in person, they talked it over as adults, and they both released a joint statement about the matter and they both moved on with their lives.

Here is a link:


That being said, I am neither defending nor castigating neither Joe Mixon nor Amelia Molitor, for they were young adults who let their emotions get the best of them which resulted in the unfortunate incident.
Texas A&M Aggie Class of '96
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BJC said:

achooooo said:

Hey Ag in Tiger Country; you forgot about Joe Mixon; he's a young black man who harassed a homosexual and when an "18 year old white sorority girl" pushed him he rearranged her face with a massive sucker punch which required thousands of dollars in reconstructive facial surgery. Now he's a millionaire in the NFL. So stop with the race baiting. Dumb***.

As I have said in the other threads, Joe Mixon was initially physically attacked by Amelia Molitor. The reason why he is not in jail is because of the principle of "mutually-assured destruction" (for a lack of a better term):

Due to her injuries that she obtained, Amelia Molitor wanted to sue Joe Mixon, but upon later discovery of her criminal record via previous convictions (drugs, etc.) that would be used against her in the lawsuit in conjunction with her attacking Joe Mixon first as the video depicted she eventually decided that it was not in her best interest to pursue her lawsuit further due to the possibility of her incriminating herself risking damaging her reputation and/or possible incarceration (if he went to jail then she would too go to jail as well according to the law).

She wisely dropped her pursuit, agreed to meet with Joe Mixon in person, they talked it over as adults, and they both released a joint statement about the matter and they both moved on with their lives.

Here is a link:


That being said, I am neither defending nor castigating neither Joe Mixon nor Amelia Molitor, for they were young adults who let their emotions get the best of them which resulted in the unfortunate incident.
This white-knighting for Joe Mixon is rather trivial.
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Cevans40, agree totally. Defending Joe Mixon for what he did to that girl is incomprehensible to me.
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And according to the posters comments, Mixon would have been crucified because he was black regardless of her past conduct; after all she was white and he was black.
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