Regents to consider sole finalist for Texas A&M President at Wednesday meeting
The Texas A&M University System Board of Regents will discuss and possibly take action Wednesday to name the sole finalist for Texas A&M University’s next President, according to an agenda posted for Wednesday’s meeting.
The agenda indicates the Regents will convene a special meeting at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday and immediately recess to an Executive Session. The Executive Session agenda lists discussion of legal matters, deliberations regarding property and deliberations regarding personnel matters.
The potential personnel matters to be discussed including the “Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline or Dismissal of an Officer or Employee, or to Hear Complaints or Charges Against an Officer or Employee,” and the sole agenda item listed in that section is as follows:
- Item 1 - Discussion and Possible Action to Name the Sole Finalist for the Position of President of Texas A&M University
After that discussion in Executive Session, the agenda indicates the board will then recess the Executive Session and reconvene in open session for board consideration and action on a potential lease of a Dallas property for Texas A&M Commerce as well as “Possible Action to Name the Sole Finalist for the Position of President of Texas A&M University.”
Both item listings regarding the sole finalist for Texas A&M president are noted with an asterisk indicating those items are “Certified by the general counsel or other appropriate attorney as confidential or information that may be withheld from public disclosure in accordance with Section 551.1281 and Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code.”
It is not known whether the Board will reveal the name of a sole finalist for the position in the open session on Wednesday afternoon.