Texas A&M Football
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Have we as 12th Man Foundation members enabled this behavior?

8,792 Views | 57 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Aint Like It Ustabe
Windy City Ag
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What will you do if the BMA's call you and stop donating to the University? I'm sure their kids and grandkids would love to have extra money.

I am sure . . . . .not sure if grand-kids need the money but that is just me. I wouldn't like it if someone called me out for donating but I also wouldn't let it deter me from doing what I want. I would love to have that respectful conversation though.

I find free speech is a two way street and those that can't recognize that tend to marginalize themselves. Do I agree with BLM . . . .of course not. I view it as a cause that may have had a noble origin but has since been pirated by the extremist clowns with titanically stupid demands. I don't think that the average African American young man out there protesting recognizes that though . . . . I make the assumption that they are motivated other, legitimate causes that find a convenient platform in BLM. and are not savvy enough to know the core futility in the BLM platform, Young kids with passion have almost always overshot the mark in these social causes.

These are young men hoping to play in the NFL which is one of the most absurd capitalist enterprises in the history of commerce. They are definitely not "Marxists." Does casual racism exist in every race, creed, and color . . .yes of course. Is that some sort of wedge issue that is supposed to invalidate or cancel out the discussion we are trying to have . . . . absolutely not.

My biggest fear regarding A&M tradition is that the most passionate defenders will ultimately be the downfall of the school's history. A&M has changed in light-speed and that should have been an obvious fact to most folks that attended the school in the 80s/90s and before. This tenor and character of the remarks on this board the last week say otherwise. If push comes to shove, A&M's status as a public university will trump any Old Ag alumni hurt feelings . . . .A&M belongs to the taxpayers of Texas and not the Alums at the end of the day.

So it is on all of us to try to learn together and be able to evolve A&M's unique and special traditions and respect each other in the process. I hope this happens because that is the path that allows the grand old tradition of A&M to flourish in the months and years ahead. Screaming "Highway 6 Runs Both Ways" seems to accelerate the eventual marginalization of the A&M I knew as student.

My two cents. Flame away.
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Windy City Ag said:


What will you do if the BMA's call you and stop donating to the University? I'm sure their kids and grandkids would love to have extra money.

I am sure . . . . .not sure if grand-kids need the money but that is just me. I wouldn't like it if someone called me out for donating but I also wouldn't let it deter me from doing what I want. I would love to have that respectful conversation though.

I find free speech is a two way street and those that can't recognize that tend to marginalize themselves. Do I agree with BLM . . . .of course not. I view it as a cause that may have had a noble origin but has since been pirated by the extremist clowns with titanically stupid demands. I don't think that the average African American young man out there protesting recognizes that though . . . . I make the assumption that they are motivated other, legitimate causes that find a convenient platform in BLM. and are not savvy enough to know the core futility in the BLM platform, Young kids with passion have almost always overshot the mark in these social causes.

These are young men hoping to play in the NFL which is one of the most absurd capitalist enterprises in the history of commerce. They are definitely not "Marxists." Does casual racism exist in every race, creed, and color . . .yes of course. Is that some sort of wedge issue that is supposed to invalidate or cancel out the discussion we are trying to have . . . . absolutely not.

My biggest fear regarding A&M tradition is that the most passionate defenders will ultimately be the downfall of the school's history. A&M has changed in light-speed and that should have been an obvious fact to most folks that attended the school in the 80s/90s and before. This tenor and character of the remarks on this board the last week say otherwise. If push comes to shove, A&M's status as a public university will trump any Old Ag alumni hurt feelings . . . .A&M belongs to the taxpayers of Texas and not the Alums at the end of the day.

So it is on all of us to try to learn together and be able to evolve A&M's unique and special traditions and respect each other in the process. I hope this happens because that is the path that allows the grand old tradition of A&M to flourish in the months and years ahead. Screaming "Highway 6 Runs Both Ways" seems to accelerate the eventual marginalization of the A&M I knew as student.

My two cents. Flame away.
Amen, brother. Alumni don't get to dictate how TAMU evolves.
Buck Turgidson
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You take kids who never put any effort into anything but football, build them a half billion dollar stadium, give them over-the-top facilities, a free education, free room and board, basically excuse them from being real students once they get here and instead of being grateful, they spit in the face of the university, its alums, its students and demand it traditions change. After all that, there are still goal tending ****s who will excuse it all because nothing is more important to them than to live vicariously through the football team. Those pathetic goaltenders don't really care about the university, they are just in it for the chance to go to Academy and buy an SEC champs shirt or better, a national champs shirt so they can somehow believe that ANY of that temporary success had ANYTHING AT ALL to do with them.

These punk athletes that are acting out don't give a **** about anything but themselves and a chance to go pro. The rest of us are just here to cater to their every whim while they use us and move on. Meanwhile, the real students, who are actually here based on academic merit, get to pay almost six figures for a bachelors degree and then they actually lend a sympathetic ear to the whining athletes who still think they are getting a raw deal and demand they be paid even more money.
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Windy City Ag said:

I have . . yes. That is not the point. The point here is that a bluff is going to be called soon and what are you going to do if this "protest" yields nothing.? Will you walk away forever?
You have but you don't, just say the truth. We want to hear it.
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Buck Turgidson said:

You take kids who never put any effort into anything but football, build them a half billion dollar stadium, give them over-the-top facilities, a free education, free room and board, basically excuse them from being real students once they get here and instead of being grateful, they spit in the face of the university, its alums, its students and demand it traditions change. After all that, there are still goal tending ****s who will excuse it all because nothing is more important to them than to live vicariously through the football team. Those pathetic goaltenders don't really care about the university, they are just in it for the chance to go to Academy and buy an SEC champs shirt or better, a national champs shirt so they can somehow believe that ANY of that temporary success had ANYTHING AT ALL to do with them.

These punk athletes that are acting out don't give a **** about anything but themselves and a chance to go pro. The rest of us are just here to cater to their every whim while they use us and move on. Meanwhile, the real students, who are actually here based on academic merit, get to pay almost six figures for a bachelors degree and then they actually lend a sympathetic ear to the whining athletes who still think they are getting a raw deal and demand they be paid even more money.
I think the craziest part of this post is where you think that Kellen Mond and Ke'shun Brown are going to the NFL....I think the fact that they are not good players is quite important to note. There is no self-service here. Mond is not going to become a national name because of this.

I think this non-violent protest that Mond has put together is exactly what we as Americans should be proud of. I know I am very proud of what he is doing.

If you cannot support Texas A&M, its students, professors, athletes, and administration as they take down the statue of Sully, the rest of us understand. If you don't feel you want to donate anymore, we understand. If you don't want to show up to the games anymore, we understand. If you are not an Aggie anymore, we completely get it. I would respectfully ask you to stop doing all this and move on with your lives. Please do not show up to our beautiful campus to defend a statue for a school you attended 1-4 decades ago.
Windy City Ag
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You take kids who never put any effort into anything but football

That is an offensive and derisive assumption. You don't know any of these kids.


build them a half billion dollar stadium, give them over-the-top facilities, a free education, free room and board, basically excuse them from being real students once they get here

Good Lord . . .how naive . . . .most of those things are excellent trades given how much revenue accrues to the athletic department through TV contracts.. The stadium was probably over reach but it was a giant celebration of A&M paid for by shale money so it is what it is.


and instead of being grateful, they spit in the face of the university, its alums, its students and demand it traditions change. After all that, there are still goal tending ****s who will excuse it all because nothing is more important to them than to live vicariously through the football team. Those pathetic goaltenders don't really care about the university, they are just in it for the chance to go to Academy and buy an SEC champs shirt or better, a national champs shirt so they can somehow believe that ANY of that temporary success had ANYTHING AT ALL to do with them.

Why do you keep assuming the worst in everyone's intentions?


These punk athletes that are acting out don't give a **** about anything but themselves and a chance to go pro. The rest of us are just here to cater to their every whim while they use us and move on.

Again, you are stereotyping out of ignorance. you should go sit with these kids and talk and understand them


Meanwhile, the real students, who are actually here based on academic merit, get to pay almost six figures for a bachelors degree and then they actually lend a sympathetic ear to the whining athletes who still think they are getting a raw deal and demand they be paid even more money.

Maybe they lend a sympathetic ear to the athletes because they agree with them and not you??

Windy City Ag
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You have but you don't, just say the truth. We want to hear it.

Whatever makes you feel better tonight.
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khat79 said:

Seriously, we've got like 10 easy games this year with a solid shot against lsu or bama.

Can you guys just shut up, stop caring about a dumb statue, and move forward?

Tannehill and Manziel (notable TAMU white qbs) also agree with Mond. Listen, nobody is as staunch a defender of statues, building, and street names as I am, but even I agree that Sully's record is pretty dismal.

Let's move on to what we should replace the statue with? A Manziel statue? Elsa Murano?
Hey quick question - did you ever go to Silver Taps while a student?
Windy City Ag
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Hey quick question - did you ever go to Silver Taps while a student?

Ahhh . . . another purity test.
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sotexag79 said:

khat79 said:

Seriously, we've got like 10 easy games this year with a solid shot against lsu or bama.

Can you guys just shut up, stop caring about a dumb statue, and move forward?

Tannehill and Manziel (notable TAMU white qbs) also agree with Mond. Listen, nobody is as staunch a defender of statues, building, and street names as I am, but even I agree that Sully's record is pretty dismal.

Let's move on to what we should replace the statue with? A Manziel statue? Elsa Murano?
Hey quick question - did you ever go to Silver Taps while a student?
Yes, I went once when it was a student I knew. I went to a lot more Midnight Yells though.
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W said:

A&M sold its soul to the football devil 40 years ago.

the players know they have leverage...and they are using it

How long before the players refuse to play unless their demands are met?

How long before the BCS business community begins to fear the destructive economic impact of greatly decreased attendance at football games, or no games at all, and Young and Sharp are pressured into acquiescing?

The players have all the leverage. In a worst-case scenario, their demands are not met and they transfer, the university is ravaged by the media, race-baiters, and politicos, and a college-town economy is wrecked. Who are the biggest losers?

The rioting, looting, destroying Confederate monuments, abusing the police, defunding/disbanding law enforcement, and confiscating real estate in a city center were only the beginning.


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While I read the vitriol coming from both sides, Buffalo Springfield's For What It's Worth comes to mind. "What a field day for the heat. Thousand people in the streets. Singing songs and a-carrying signs. Mostly say 'Hooray for our side'............There's battle lines being drawn. And nobody's right if everybody's wrong. Young people speaking their minds. Are getting so much resistance from far behind.......I think it's time we stop. Hey, what's that sound. Everybody look what going down."

Big picture, folks. Everybody breathe. Just my .02
Ag Tag
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You can't hug your kids with nuclear arms.
Joe Schillaci 48
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Ag Tag said:

You can't hug your kids with nuclear arms.
But they sure kept you from speaking Russian today.
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Mond is improving society.

Really? How? All i have seen is childish name calling and divisive bullying.
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The AD has already stated that if the season is cancelled receiving a full refund will be one of the three options
Ag Tag
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pepe the dog said:

Ag Tag said:

You can't hug your kids with nuclear arms.
But they sure kept you from speaking Russian today.
Right. I was being facetious because I get a kick out of stupid bumper sticker slogans.
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"I think this non-violent protest that Mond has put together is exactly what we as Americans should be proud of. I know I am very proud of what he is doing.

If you cannot support Texas A&M, its students, professors, athletes, and administration as they take down the statue of Sully, the rest of us understand. If you don't feel you want to donate anymore, we understand. If you don't want to show up to the games anymore, we understand. If you are not an Aggie anymore, we completely get it. I would respectfully ask you to stop doing all this and move on with your lives. Please do not show up to our beautiful campus to defend a statue for a school you attended 1-4 decades ago."

How is it any more your campus than ours? Your opinion is no more important than mine. If you are so anti-tradition and feel A&M should be so much more woke and progressive- why did you come to OUR campus for your education?
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The AD has already said full refunds will be an options- tickets, donation, parking
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I am now for revoking scholarships.
Easily one of the dumber things I've seen on this board.
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Everybody experiences different things. However what exactly will taking scholarships prove? They will just go to another school which may be good enough for you but this university's reputation is already going down the drain currently and future athletes who would have considered will not. Everyone has such a huge issue with their actions they did nothing wrong sure tempers flared just a little which is understandable as this is an emotional thing for some. But the other party was in the wrong, everyone is excusing their behavior or making excuses. They purposely showed up to counter their protest. One even drove from Dallas just to participate. Their students protest was approved was theirs? Why are they allowed to roam campus and shout these types of remarks? given the strong tensions currently as well as exposing students to the virus or themselves as they are more at risk. Everyone is completely ignoring the older groups true intentions and their degrading remarks? But honestly i can't say I'm surprised at it one bit.
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Apologies for what exactly? What did they do wrong? Are the others your referring to the older men from the video for their degrading remarks? What really has made you lose interest i am curious..
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Woke247 said:

They will just go to another school which may be good enough for you but this university's reputation is already going down the drain currently and future athletes who would have considered will not.

I would encourage those athletes to go to a different school then. Texas A&M, being in Texas, will never have a shortage of students willing to be a walk-on for the team. It's not like the currently recruited players with all of their scholarship monies and the fanfare are getting the job done.

PS -- on the very off-chance that a TAMU Football player reads this --- I think that y'all are doing fine. I don't have unrealistic expectations in the SEC. Alabama, Auburn, LSU, Georgia, and TAMU cannot all share the SEC Championship trophy.
Aint Like It Ustabe
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All of the Aggie "athletes" on social media screaming about equality, I agreed. I believe athletes should have the same admissions standards as the rest of the student body.

Yeah they aren't down with that much equality. Coddled, spoiled, hypocrites.
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