You're a hero to me. Thanks Frisco for journalism in an age where it seems to be lacking.
I think it would be awesome if BZ or other gave you credit where it is obviously due as well.
I'm glad you're happy with reporting but I'm unsatisfied. It was either stated or implied that our fans sent this racist note to Sumlin across multiple sources. Truth comes out, thanks to you and some others, but where are the retractions? I did see good and clarifying articles from Eagle and other sources but NOT A WORD in print (unless I missed it) from Chronicle, DMN or ESPN.
BZ on twitter =/= Chron.
The fact that it was a rival fan makes it interesting. Here, the fact that a sip sent a racist letter to the A&M coach to make the Aggie fan base (at least in part) appear to be racist. ESPN chatted about it for days and when it turns out to be a sip, suddenly school affiliation is a non-relevant story????
When it doesn't appear in print it becomes one of those ghost stories where other fan bases laugh at us for something and we go get sources from the corners of the internet showing that LSU did in fact jump offsides, the ref with a phantom call in our last t.u. game is a sip fan or UCLA fouled Sloan on a horrible non-call but by then the argument is over.