Texas A&M Football
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Customer Service at TMF has fallen to craptastic levels

19,419 Views | 112 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by annie88
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year after year, event on top of event (Reed seating, Kyle seating, football parking, travel events)

it is embarrassing trying to work with them...they really don't care about the customer EXCEPT if you're making a new or increased donation

very attentive when asking for money and very clear with what they expect YOU to do...but on their side, you get whatever they decide

Ragnar Danneskjoldd
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Go on...
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Go on...
why bother, they have proven they don't care about long term ticket holders and loyalty....only absolute $$ handed to them today
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I totally agree.... As a direct result of their poor customer service, we did not renew. 33 years season ticket holder and zone club member and we have had it.

I hate being lied to.
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Not to defend or to condemn the TMF: have you considered what the costs are if literally 100s of thousands of people call annually to make changes? Imagine that a relatively inexpensive resource is answering the phone--say someone who costs $8.25 per hour like about what they pay new undergraduate resident advisors--is answering the phone and it costs even a half hour and each of the 70,000 seat holders asks for a single change per year. That would be an additional cost of around $300,000. And while that would be beneficial, remember their revenue is donations...so...sure, they are interested in increasing donations especially when they're handling costs and they're trying to be frugal with the money you've already given them when they're not.

I'm not sure that we all think of things like this when complaining in a a public forum about another person's work product, but I'll offer it as potentially interesting color to consider before doing that. And I'd add that there is a general rule of thumb that out of courtesy you would go to the organization to complain before complaining about them in public.
DallasAg 94
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--say someone who costs $8.25 per hour like about what they pay new undergraduate resident advisors--
So, let's say you donate $100/yr. Do you think they could say, "Hey... we'll give you 30 mins of Customer Service time." That's like $4.125.

They could make it graduated based on donor level... Someone making $250/yr donation gets a full 1 hr.

Then, when you are a high maintenance donor, they can say, "Your ***** time is exhausted, please donate another $150, to reach the next level of service."
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This thread will get locked. Can't talk bad about these guys.
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Did you try asking to speak with an American?
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Not to defend or to condemn the TMF: have you considered what the costs are if literally 100s of thousands of people call annually to make changes? Imagine that a relatively inexpensive resource is answering the phone--say someone who costs $8.25 per hour like about what they pay new undergraduate resident advisors--is answering the phone and it costs even a half hour and each of the 70,000 seat holders asks for a single change per year. That would be an additional cost of around $300,000. And while that would be beneficial, remember their revenue is donations...so...sure, they are interested in increasing donations especially when they're handling costs and they're trying to be frugal with the money you've already given them when they're not.

I'm not sure that we all think of things like this when complaining in a a public forum about another person's work product, but I'll offer it as potentially interesting color to consider before doing that. And I'd add that there is a general rule of thumb that out of courtesy you would go to the organization to complain before complaining about them in public.
oh please....let's make some excuses...I'm sure you don't care if United f's up your reservation...hey, 10,000's of people want to change EVERY DAY
I've been a donor since late 80's, tickets since 85....don't give me that crap...I've lived through it
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--say someone who costs $8.25 per hour like about what they pay new undergraduate resident advisors--
So, let's say you donate $100/yr. Do you think they could say, "Hey... we'll give you 30 mins of Customer Service time." That's like $4.125.

They could make it graduated based on donor level... Someone making $250/yr donation gets a full 1 hr.

Then, when you are a high maintenance donor, they can say, "Your ***** time is exhausted, please donate another $150, to reach the next level of service."
just what they need, a new way to bring in some more cash
Ragnar Danneskjoldd
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I worked at the 12th man when I was a student, you people are unreasonable a holes to current students who don't have the authority to move you to founders suites for the $100 you donate annually. I sincerely doubt they were rude to you, probably just didn't give you wanted because they literally can't give everyone everything they want/ think they deserve
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I worked at the 12th man when I was a student, you people are unreasonable a holes to current students who don't have the authority to move you to founders suites for the $100 you donate annually. I sincerely doubt they were rude to you, probably just didn't give you wanted because they literally can't give everyone everything they want/ think they deserve

And there we have it!! Bad service is my fault. What an Aggie joke we have here (did I say anything about rude?)
Frisco - Ag
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Worst run org I have ever worked with.
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A B- on the troll.

The immediate goaltending on the topic tells me you are more off-season trolling than actually interested in a real resolution to the 'service' problem you speak of.

If you are a high roller and think you really got bad service, you would be talking to higher ups at TMF and making a meaningful complaint.

Frankly, if you really didn't believe that the TMF is fundamentally there to get every penny they can from you, I wonder how you were smart enough to earn a degree.

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A B- on the troll.

The immediate goaltending on the topic tells me you are more off-season trolling than actually interested in a real resolution to the 'service' problem you speak of.

If you are a high roller and think you really got bad service, you would be talking to higher ups at TMF and making a meaningful complaint.

Frankly, if you really didn't believe that the TMF is fundamentally there to get every penny they can from you, I wonder how you were smart enough to earn a degree.

And what makes you think that I haven't, smart guy? I guess the others that complain are all trolls too.
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The 12th man foundation website hasn't worked for me in the past couple weeks... My computer either won't open the home page or won't open the login page, and I've tried multiple browsers. Anyone else been having problems?
Just Tired
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I totally agree.... As a direct result of their poor customer service, we did not renew. 33 years season ticket holder and zone club member and we have had it.

I hate being lied to.

i doubt tmf is the only reason for this...but when there is such a disappointing product on the field the last two years you shouldn't take sales for granted.
Jugstore Cowboy
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I worked at the 12th man when I was a student, you people are unreasonable a holes to current students who don't have the authority to move you to founders suites for the $100 you donate annually. I sincerely doubt they were rude to you, probably just didn't give you wanted because they literally can't give everyone everything they want/ think they deserve

I also worked for the TMF as a student years ago, as did countless other people. It got tiresome a long time ago when you would act like a selfless martyr with unique understanding.

Their customer service really did drop off years ago, to the point that it became difficult to donate. I'm sure big donors get the attention they need, but it's a PITA to deal with as a small guy.
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I am not a big donor and have used the website on a regular basis with no issues- except operator error; I have always found them to be very helpful, courteous and efficient when dealing with any questions or issues I might have.
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I am not a big donor and have truly never had any issues except I always struggle to renew on line and they have always been helpful. I am actually shocked how quick they answer calls.
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--say someone who costs $8.25 per hour like about what they pay new undergraduate resident advisors--
So, let's say you donate $100/yr. Do you think they could say, "Hey... we'll give you 30 mins of Customer Service time." That's like $4.125.

They could make it graduated based on donor level... Someone making $250/yr donation gets a full 1 hr.

Then, when you are a high maintenance donor, they can say, "Your ***** time is exhausted, please donate another $150, to reach the next level of service."

Heh. Let's just say it wouldn't be skin off of my nose. But I admit to being pretty sensitive to the perception that folks believe they're owed something. No matter how much they donate. Because if you're owed something it isn't a free will gift. It's a quid pro quo.
Pro Ag
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So the OP didn't complain about calling and didn't really pick up that vibe. Just someone that had a customer service job that complained about what was probably a rare issue. As others have stated, calling in the people have been helpful and shame on anyone for taking out frustrations about leadership on the kids taking the calls.

I think the OP's position is fair. The TMF's lack of communications about changes to their timelines and processes are piss poor.

Completely unacceptable that last fall a percentage of ticket holders didn't get their tickets because they owed money, however the fact that they owed was not communicated to them in any way. These folks paid what the system asked and were given crappy excuses for invoices. Even after getting info from a rep at TMF about my account, I am not clear how this miss happened.

And the website redesign was a joke. The site functions but it is a pain in the ass and doesn't provide any additional information from the previous site. See above that I couldn't figure out from the site and emails through the process where the gap in what they said I owed and what I paid happened.
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Some of you have the problem clearly identified - meaning you are the problem. Once you decide that a high dollar donor deserves customer service and a lower level donor doesn't you are making it okay to treat 98% of the donors like crap- that is the problem! To hell with the arrogance!
Lot Y Tailgate
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Why don't you post your specific issues so people who have had them can help you resolve them.... Especially as this sounds like user error...
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I worked at the 12th man when I was a student, you people are unreasonable a holes to current students who don't have the authority to move you to founders suites for the $100 you donate annually. I sincerely doubt they were rude to you, probably just didn't give you wanted because they literally can't give everyone everything they want/ think they deserve

Yep .. You sound exactly like a TMF employee

Dropped season tickets of 26 years last season ... Don't miss it one bit.
Not overspending thousands of dollars.
All games are on tv.
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I refuse to donate money to the athletic side of UT and only donate money to student organizations and engineering school.
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I refuse to donate money to the athletic side of UT and only donate money to student organizations and engineering school.
sip troll...

might want to lay off the weed when you troll our site at 3AM... lolz
Al Bula
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Dropped season tickets of 26 years last season ... Don't miss it one bit.
Not overspending thousands of dollars.
All games are on tv.
My folks dropped theirs for this coming year and suspect we will be happy to have our fall seasons decoupled from Aggie football. Football has become more of a chore than an enjoyable experience for our family. Skipping games to spend time with friends and family or traveling are all about to be infinitely better this year.

We will pick a road game or two to go to each year but sayonara to a managed game day "experience."

At some point it just is no longer fun to spend lots of money on a negative return.

I may continue to support TMF but we'll see. We love College Station and Texas A&M but won't miss the forced feeling of planning six to seven weekends per year around an event that is more often than not piss poor.
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Did you try asking to speak with an American?

Do you not Platinum bro? It's good service then..
Jugstore Cowboy
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I've never understood the "I can never miss a game" people. I went to every home game as a student, but I don't see how it's possible as an adult with responsibilities and friends and family members who didn't all go to A&M. Hell, I've had a client blow stuff off to his own detriment during crunch time because he and his wife and friends were determined to go to every game home and away. I don't know how you can be that devoted unless you're retired.
Mark Riordan
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I posted to our-turn-to-rule in another post that I'm always happy to listen to donors. I supplied my information and encouraged him to call me so that we could talk. I would like to reiterate that I will always listen to our donors. Again, my information is below. If you just want to troll, that's fine too. But, if you want to air your complaints and help make a change....please call.

Mark Riordan
VP Marketing & Communications
(979) 260-7989 (desk)
(979) 587-0011 (cell)

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they need to outsource the customer support to india. thats when you will know how bad customer support can get.

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I've never understood the "I can never miss a game" people. I went to every home game as a student, but I don't see how it's possible as an adult with responsibilities and friends and family members who didn't all go to A&M. Hell, I've had a client blow stuff off to his own detriment during crunch time because he and his wife and friends were determined to go to every game home and away. I don't know how you can be that devoted unless you're retired.

bragging rights.
It's always cool to say "I am a real fan and I have gone to EVERY game" and have your friends ooh and aah.
Applies to males mainly as very few women care.

Another one for baseball is "i have gone to every home opener for the last 50 years!"
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Dropped season tickets of 26 years last season ... Don't miss it one bit.
Not overspending thousands of dollars.
All games are on tv.
My folks dropped theirs for this coming year and suspect we will be happy to have our fall seasons decoupled from Aggie football. Football has become more of a chore than an enjoyable experience for our family. Skipping games to spend time with friends and family or traveling are all about to be infinitely better this year.

We will pick a road game or two to go to each year but sayonara to a managed game day "experience."

At some point it just is no longer fun to spend lots of money on a negative return.

I may continue to support TMF but we'll see. We love College Station and Texas A&M but won't miss the forced feeling of planning six to seven weekends per year around an event that is more often than not piss poor.

This sums us up exactly. Didn't renew after 13 seasons. Also dropping out of the RV lot.

We'll miss the camaraderie with neighbor's in the RV lot, and going to Wings 'N More on Friday night, etc but for the most part I've felt nothing but relief.

Final straw was getting to the first game of last year and realizing that not one single change had been made to the Zone where we sit. We had to pay a lot more money, and get re-seated away from friends we've had for 13 years, but the construction didn't even touch the Zone. Same gray cinderblock bathrooms, same exact seats (remind me why we had to get re-seated??), same everything. Only change I noticed was a garbled PA system that somehow got worse instead of better as the season went on.

I wrote a letter to the athletic dept about all the above, and received a form letter about concession stand problems and parking problems - neither of which were in my letter (we RV, remember?).

No loyalty/appreciation for folks who suffered through the Fran years (and more) and faithfully renewed. Just make us pay more to help fund a "new" stadium that isn't even new where we sit.

So yeah - good riddance.
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My parents canceled last year after a decade for the same reasons. The TMF is all about the almighty dollar and not focused on the Aggie family anymore.
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