This is EXACTLY what Kearney's lawyer hopes they believe. Even if this is a plausible scenario legally (I have my doubts), the court of public opinion will crucify the university for this stance. Public opinion can be very unkind to large institutions that split hairs, especially when they split them in favor of white males and against women, minorities and homosexuals.
I expect money to flow from UT coffers toward Kearney. Lots of it.
I love seeing tu in the crosshairs and all, but this scenario is exactly what is wrong with our "legal system". It's all about making money now days and the lawyers involved are no better than that 2-bit dyke trying to make a buck after she broke the rules. She knew what she was doing was wrong but decided to try and get away with it.
In the end, this type of lawsuit will not favor A&M or any other university. It creates a scenario where everything is scrutinized under the racial lense.
I don't think tu is racist (have yall been to Austin lately?). I don't believe this is some conspiracy to get Dodds and company out. I believe this is nothing more than a money grab by a bitter lesbian and her ambulance chasing lawyer.