Texas A&M Football
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If t.u. wanted in SEC, how would you vote?

20,185 Views | 262 Replies | Last: 12 yr ago by aggiesnake
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I really don't know how to address your post Mirth, I don't know how you are justifying your responses.

Cam Newton wasn't enough to make the Auburn/Oregon game interesting enough to get w/in two ratings points of FSU/Vick.

Yeah he was apparently... and on Cable which I'm sure you are forgetting

Not forgetting anything. It appears we have a source war. Here's my link:


That shows Auburn/Oregon w/ a 15.29, lower than the three FSU games I listed. You know, the two examples you ignore for some reason, possibly because they didn't feature a superstar you can use as an excuse of why FSU rocked the ratings.

But you can decide for yourself which source you think is more credible.


No emotions in this whatsoever. Michigan hasn't had half, no, not a QUARTER the success that FSU has

You're right... Michigan, the all time winningest program in college history is nowhere near the level of mighty Florida State. Who apparently because they were good in the 90's is now the gold standard for college football.

And Yale is #8 all-time in winning pctg. So what? I'm talking about the recent success that actually matters to the majority of the viewing public. Michigan has one national title since 1948 (FSU didn't even play football before 1947), and has finished top 5 only 15 times in all their history.

14 top 5 finishes for FSU, vs. 15 All-Time for Michigan. The seminoles weren't merely "good" from the mid 80s till the turn of the century, they were absolutely DOMINATING.

UNC? The basketball school? This is about football, and football only. (Well, it's actually about money, but football = money, so it's the same thing.)

That's the first intelligent thing you've said all day... It is all about money. And that little basketball school, according to Learfield, the company that does Texas A&M and a ton of other schools media rights and marketing, is extremely valuable. In fact, they are more valuable than both us and Florida. I know that for a fact.

Realignment isn't about how many Tshirt fans buy your swag. It's about TVs, and TVs alone. UNC doesn't drive football ratings, and that's all that matters. They are very valuable in that they'd bring you the North Carolina market, which is the biggest prize left for the SEC, but that is because the SEC already has Florida.

Texas is the biggest profile in college sports. That's just the way it is. It makes it funnier when they suck. Make fun of their network all you want, but they got one. I cant fault them for getting 300 million dollars for something that nobody really wants. But I do know that ESPN probably wouldn't have offered that to anybody else.

You know who else has a huge profile? Notre Dame... and they flat out suck now. But they are still Notre Dame, and they still make tons of money, and they would still be the biggest grab for any conference if someone could actually convince them to sign up.

It's hilarious that you claim that Texas is the biggest profile in college sports, and then in the very next paragraph mention Notre Dame. Notre Dame is so far above Texas, any comparison is laughable. You want to hold up the (failing miserably) LHN as an example of Texas's drawing power, yet you skip over the fact that Notre Dame has one of the actual Big Three broadcast networks all to themselves in NBC? Notre Dame is different than any other college brand because they are the DEFINITION of a national brand. Their constituency is not bound by state borders, it's essentially limited only by the Catholic faith.

Think about this. Did you really mean to post that Texas > Notre Dame?

And don't kid yourself about the SEC not wanting Texas. But they would have to get rid of the network, and agree to equal revenue sharing, which they won't do, and frankly I don't blame them. They have a really good situation. We have a really good situation now too. It's evolution... I cant fault them or us for doing what is best for our Universities.

If the SEC had a choice to pick between us and Texas, I readily admit they would have taken the horns. No doubt about it. But since they didn't, and since we will already deliver the Texas market, the SEC isn't going to double up in any territory, not when untapped states like North Carolina and Virginia are potentially up for grabs.
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While FSU is struggling to sell tickets Michigan continues sell out the largest stadium in college football.


Ticket sales are not TV ratings. For example, even at the height of their power, the Miami Hurricanes never sold out their games on a constant basis.
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Mirth, like I said before, you're (your) an idiot.

I was going to waste more of my day responding to you, but Sex Panther pretty much took care of that for me, so go back to the premium board where your anger and pointless babbling is appreciated.

bu bye.

The Blue Parachute is for Sex Panther, in all his legendness....

Well, I guess if you aren't able to express your thoughts yourself, at least you can find someone to do it for you.
Pro Sandy
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A&M without beating the everlivin, everlovin hell outta t.u. is a very weird place.
bert harbinson
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I'm gonna have to go ahead and say no.
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Mirth! Chill bro. You gonna stroke out....
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Mirth! Chill bro. You gonna stroke out....

Does that happen often here in the Zoo? Is that why Lateralus is... you know... the "way" he is?

Now I feel bad for ripping on him
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Mirth....noun: Amusement, esp. as expressed in laughter: "his six-foot frame shook with mirth".

You need to change your "handle."
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meh. Sometimes my humor is too dry.
Sex Panther
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Mirth you seem intelligent, I'll try to keep it mature in this pointless argument.

But what is your deal with Florida State? Did you do some graduate work there?

So according to you, the main source of credibility on how big a school's profile is, is a sample source no larger than 3 BCS games, correct?

So by going by your logic, I can see that Alabama, scored a paltry rating of 11.3 in the 2000 Orange Bowl. However, it should be pointed out that they played that joke of a program, Michigan, which undoubtedly hurt their ratings.

But... Alabama-LSU in this year's MNC, scored the third lowest rating ever for a BCS championship with a 14.0

Clearly, Alabama has a much smaller profile than Florida State using your foolproof, scientific logic.

It's hilarious that you claim that Texas is the biggest profile in college sports, and then in the very next paragraph mention Notre Dame. Notre Dame is so far above Texas, any comparison is laughable. You want to hold up the (failing miserably) LHN as an example of Texas's drawing power, yet you skip over the fact that Notre Dame has one of the actual Big Three broadcast networks all to themselves in NBC? Notre Dame is different than any other college brand because they are the DEFINITION of a national brand. Their constituency is not bound by state borders, it's essentially limited only by the Catholic faith.

I find it hilarious that you tried to use something I noted in my argument against me... instead of justifying Florida State as being a huge brand, you regurgitated facts about Notre Dame, which I'm aware of... that's why I included them.

If you wanted to argue that Notre Dame is a bigger brand than Texas, than yeah, you've got a very solid argument.... But your inclination that Florida State is bigger than Texas is just wrong, I mean it's laughable. Nobody outside of Tallahassee will agree with you... nobody.

The whole expanding the tv footprint is notable. But, you and anyone else who thinks that if Texas actually was willing to play ball and work out a deal with the SEC, only to be rebuked by Slive who would say "No thanks, we've already got A&M" is delusional.*

Slive would love to have them because they are extremely valuable. And if you don't believe me, look at this list which they are on top of every year. Find FSU on there for me please.

*and me stating that, does not make me a bad Ag. I want to beat the Horns more than anybody, but I understand what they bring to the table and where their program ranks.
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Forbes loves the SEC!
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Mirth you seem intelligent, I'll try to keep it mature in this pointless argument.

But what is your deal with Florida State? Did you do some graduate work there?

No special connection w/ FSU. Didn't work there, go to school there, or even know many people that did.

So according to you, the main source of credibility on how big a school's profile is, is a sample source no larger than 3 BCS games, correct?

Well, I'm dealing with the available info here. If you have access to comprehensive Nielsen ratings for all college football games, or even summary ratings for the different schools, I'd gladly take a look.

So by going by your logic, I can see that Alabama, scored a paltry rating of 11.3 in the 2000 Orange Bowl. However, it should be pointed out that they played that joke of a program, Michigan, which undoubtedly hurt their ratings.

But... Alabama-LSU in this year's MNC, scored the third lowest rating ever for a BCS championship with a 14.0

Clearly, Alabama has a much smaller profile than Florida State using your foolproof, scientific logic.

I'm not arguing that FSU is, historically speaking, a better program than Alabama. I'm saying that FSU is a better TV draw. Are you saying that TV ratings is not the best way to judge this? If so, what metric do you propose?

I find it hilarious that you tried to use something I noted in my argument against me... instead of justifying Florida State as being a huge brand, you regurgitated facts about Notre Dame, which I'm aware of... that's why I included them.

I used it to argue that if you really thought that Texas was bigger than Notre Dame, your perspective is fatally skewed. I had already laid out my evidence for FSU elsewhere in the post.

If you wanted to argue that Notre Dame is a bigger brand than Texas, than yeah, you've got a very solid argument.... But your inclination that Florida State is bigger than Texas is just wrong, I mean it's laughable. Nobody outside of Tallahassee will agree with you... nobody.

Well, since I don't have time to do a poll of people nationwide of who they're interested in watching, I have to settle for using the numbers available: meaning TV ratings. Again, if you have other evidence you'd like to offer, I'm all eyes.

The whole expanding the tv footprint is notable. But, you and anyone else who thinks that if Texas actually was willing to play ball and work out a deal with the SEC, only to be rebuked by Slive who would say "No thanks, we've already got A&M" is delusional.*

Slive would love to have them because they are extremely valuable. And if you don't believe me, look at this list which they are on top of every year. Find FSU on there for me please.

That list doesn't mean anything to the SEC. A school isn't valuable to the SEC because they have a huge stadium w/ oodles of high $$ luxury suites, or because they get mega-bucks in donations. The only way a school is valuable to the SEC is based on what they can contribute towards improving their TV deals. Don't get me wrong, adding Texas would still be profitable for the SEC. Just not as profitable as adding UNC or VTech, due to opening new territory. It's the same reason the SEC wanted us and doesn't want FSU.

Now maybe, down the road, if A&M performs so poorly that we can't deliver the state of Texas to the future SEC network, then yeah, I could definitely see Texas getting an invitation. But Slive and co. would MUCH rather need just one school to capture the Lone Star state market, and they wouldn't have invited us if they didn't think we could do it.

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I think Mirth confused FSU with the Gators.
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I think mirth and sex panther must not have jobs.
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Texas has made it abundantly clear that they have no desire to join the SEC, and the Big 10 or Pac-12 would take them in a heartbeat. Dumb thread, wouldn't read again.
aggieband 83
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Wow, 4 pgs of no. I'm shocked.
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Hell to the NO!!!
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It took 100 years to get away from their arrogant asses (back of the Ring). Hell will freeze over before that happens, and besides....like Bevo (13-0) they don't have the Balls to come over here! Jackie made a steer outta the last bull that wonderedover here! Sorry bout that PETA !
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Guys, tu will never be invited to join the SEC!!!! Thank God for that. This thread is stupid!!! JMO!!!
Cannonball Craig III
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Absolutely. That way we get the best of both worlds. We get the SEC, UT doesn't get to call shots in the SEC, and we keep our historic rivalry. Win-win.

Of course, our mediocre football team is another issue, but other than that, win-win.
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Looks like I stirred up a hornets nest of hell no's. reading between the lines of dodds statement of "you only have a sliver of Texas" , what dodds is telling me subconsciously, is that he is scared to death and knows he has f*** up. Dodds moving into bed with slive on this Champion Bowl is the beginning of slive making a strategic attack on t.u.

Dodds knows full well that all those 10 year old kids of horn parents will grow up over the next 10 years watching SEC on CBS. Guess who they will be rooting for? A&M.

Texas will be forced eventually by money and the fan base to move to the SEC. Could take 10 years or more but it will happen.

Lateralus Ag
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I think you underestimate the level of elitism in Austin. No way they come crawling to the SEC in ten years.

I am not saying it won't happen, I am just saying I will be a long long time.
Lateralus Ag
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Mirth! Chill bro. You gonna stroke out....

Does that happen often here in the Zoo? Is that why Lateralus is... you know... the "way" he is?

Now I feel bad for ripping on him


Please don't feel bad for ripping on me. I am not sure what you mean by the "way" I am, but I am certainly not losing any sleep over what a blowhard on here has to say.

My only point in my last reply to your drivel was that why should I recount the countless ways you've shown your ass in this argument when someone else has already done it, twice?

Your lunacy in this argument is bad enough. Mr Panther has illustrated that enough already. Why should I put my fellow Zoo inmates through it three or four times?

Really dude, and I am being as sincere as I can be on an interwebz forum, your enthusiasm probably belongs on the premium board where all you riches can get your money's worth.

I am just here to have a laugh or two. I am obviously not on your level of caring.

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I'd vote for Longhorns provided (1) it increases the overall revenue and (2) they understand they're equal partners in this conference (and not more than that).

Basically, Dodds or any other Texas rep won't be speaking for the conference.
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I heard Two and a Half Men was a huge hit with Ashton Kutcher. I mean, his first show had over 28 million viewers!
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No way.
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i'd punch them in the face for even asking.

[This message has been edited by FtBendTxAg (edited 6/2/2012 9:47p).]
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I'm lmao b/c the answer is so obviously a NO. There really is no question here. Slive can't stand tu and all their arrogance, manipulating and desire to call all the shots. Not to mention their adversity to revenue sharing.

That said;
A) It becomes more and more apparent the Big XII isn't a viable long-term option.

B) t.u. realizes that they aren't going to be able to join the ACC, Big 10, or Pac 12 with their outlandish conditions giving them a lot of power and will have to be an equal.

...They will realize if they are going to have to join a conference on equal terms, they might as well join the one that could give them the most money. On top of that, if you think we could block them you're kidding yourself. They are on a very short list of the most lucrative schools to be added to any conference. The SEC isn't going to give us veto power when it comes to t.u...Slive would do back flips if we was able to land them.

A) The SEC really doesn't care about the viability or stability of the Big 12 +/-=?

B) So they can't land themselves in any other conference, but hey: the SEC will take them. Wrong. Nobody wants tu; they've crapped the bed and are now going to love sleeping in the sh*tty sheets.

C) Even IF they'd agree to equal revenue sharing (which they wouldn't have a choice in) the SEC doesn't want or NEED them - at all. What makes them lucrative? The way they power brokered themselves in the Big 12. Something Slive and the SEC doesn't like or want. Where are people getting the idea that Slive would do "back flips" if he landed tu?? LMAO. He doesn't need them b/c he already has us for the Texas cable/networks revenue stream. Kentucky Mustangs has explained numerous times how and why the SEC only needs one team per state. The whorns add nothing but headaches to any conference in which they're members. As posted above; Slive will USE the B12 to get a premier bowl ($$) while not having to deal with Dodds in the SEC.
Lastly; anyone who thinks we'd be the only ones voting to keep the sips out of the SEC are crazy. Neither MS school wants to compete with them on the field or in recruiting, neither does Vandy or KY. Oh, and Arkie hates them almost as much as we do (ref: SWC).

So yeah... it'd be a HALE NO!

[This message has been edited by AginKS (edited 6/2/2012 9:57p).]
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Geophysical crap.

It's all about geological footprint.
Lateralus Ag
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Geophysical crap.

It's all about geological footprint.

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