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If t.u. wanted in SEC, how would you vote?

20,204 Views | 262 Replies | Last: 12 yr ago by aggiesnake
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Not a chance. There goes our recruiting advantage.
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Personnally I vote NO. But, I am afraid that the State Pols would put pressure on A&M Officials to vote yes. But, I also think that Arkansas and Missouri and a couple of other SEC schools would all vote No. So I don't see the sips getting into the SEC.

If the Sips want to go anywhere it is probably the PAC or the Big 10. OU would go with them where ever they go. But I would love to grab OU for the SEC just to leave the sips without their only remaining rival.
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Texas politicians cannot force the SEC to do anything. They may, however, force us to play them every year.
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I've already heard rumblings that this could happen and that state politics would dictate that the SEC would have to take the Horns. Enjoy being out from under the shadow for the next couple of years. But just like death and taxes, the Horns will be back, back in the SEC.

State politics can't dictate ANYTHING to the SEC. If the SEC is going to turn down FSU, which has an even bigger national profile than the horns, there's no way Austin gets an invitation.

If anything, state politics will dictate that the the horns remain locked into the B12, or at the very least have to drag Tech with them and OU/OSU to the PAC.
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FSU, which has an even bigger national profile than the horns

Good to see that you keep up with college athletics!!!
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Good to see that you keep up with college athletics!!!

t.u. has had a lot of success the past 10 years, but before some recent struggles, FSU had a stretch of 14 consecutive seasons finishing in the top 5 of the final AP poll.

See, it's helpful to support your statements with more than mere snark.
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They dont want any part of this. They'll go to the Pac whatever before they'd eat crow.
Sex Panther
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FSU, which has an even bigger national profile than the horns

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Sex Panther-

...What are you trying to say? Use your words.
Brazos Ag 1970
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1. SP's enjoying t.u.'s proclaimed lower status.

2. Sips wanna go SEC? Suck it, BEVO! Shouldn'ta "bad-mouthed us on our way out the door," effin' *uzzies.
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t.u. has had a lot of success the past 10 years, but before some recent struggles, FSU had a stretch of 14 consecutive seasons finishing in the top 5 of the final AP poll.

See, it's helpful to support your statements with more than mere snark.

I'm still waiting to here how you quantify 'national profile'?

Seems that if success is the lone measurement (since you used the term), then I would imagine the two universities' 'national profile' would be very similar.
Lateralus Ag
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See, it's helpful to support your statements with more than mere snark.

First of all, you're (your) an idiot. Know how I can tell? Later, maybe.

Second, it's the freaking Zoo man. "Mere snark" is pretty much what we do. In fact, I would even do you one better and say we specialize in "Petty snark", or even "Premeditated snark with the intention of pissing you off".

Thirdly, just because you run out some banal statistic that sounded good when the synapses went off in your head doesn't mean it actually supports what you are trying to say.

Thanks for stopping by though. Nice seein ya!

[This message has been edited by Lateralus Ag (edited 6/1/2012 12:25p).]
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I'm still waiting to here how you quantify 'national profile'?

Well, you probably wouldn't have had to wait as long had you actually indicated before now that you had some question about it.

Seems that if success is the lone measurement (since you used the term), then I would imagine the two universities' 'national profile' would be very similar.

It's not the lone measurement. Since the beginning of the BCS era, the top rated BCS bowl was the 2006 Rose Bowl between Texas and USC. But the next two rated BCS bowls were the 2001 Orange Bowl pitting Florida State against OU, and the 2000 Sugar Bowl featuring FSU against Virginia Tech. For good measure, the Seminoles 1999 Fiesta Bowl against Tennessee even squeaks out a ratings win over the 2nd highest rated Texas appearance, their 2010 Championship loss to Alabama.

So think about this: Florida State/Virginia Tech outdrew Texas/Alabama in the ratings.

The only time FSU has been beaten in the ratings has been when two schools from the two highest population-states in the country faced off.

As for success itself, the horns recent stretch under Mack Brown has been impressive: one national championship in two tries w/ 5 top 5 finishes. But that success is no match for what FSU pulled off: two national championships in three tries and 14 top 5 finishes. The only difference is that the horns have been up more recently than the seminoles, and that gives their profile a relative boost, but if FSU starts winning as much as their talent says they should, they're back up there.
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Hell no!
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Hell no!
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Hell no!
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They would only get a sliver of support in joining the SEC.
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We don't have a middle finger emoticon...

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First of all, you're (your) an idiot. Know how I can tell? Later, maybe.

I can't believe, even after an edit, that you would leave in such a useless line. You really shouldn't lead off a troll post w/ such complete fail.

Second, it's the freaking Zoo man. "Mere snark" is pretty much what we do. In fact, I would even do you one better and say we specialize in "Petty snark", or even "Premeditated snark with the intention of pissing you off".

It's what some of you do. The inarticulate ones.

Thirdly, just because you run out some banal statistic that sounded good when the synapses went off in your head doesn't mean it actually supports what you are trying to say.

Including the word "synapses" in your post doesn't make it sound smart, nor does it make up for the utter lack of content. I gather from your fumbling attempt at using "big words" that you disagree that the stat I quoted supports my contention, but you may be interested to know that you still have not presented any argument whatsoever to support your stance.

[This message has been edited by Lateralus Ag (edited 6/1/2012 12:25p).]

And this is the saddest part of your entire post. That you wrote it, submitted it, reviewed it, and the current version actually represents, in your mind, an improvement over the original.
Sex Panther
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So think about this: Florida State/Virginia Tech outdrew Texas/Alabama in the ratings.

That was because of Michael Vick... casual fans want to watch stars. One of the primary reasons that VY vs Bush/Leinart was the highest rated game of all time (although it was probably the greatest college football game ever played).

A weak ass argument about ratings in BCS games doesn't prove anything. I am not trying to defend Texas but just because we hate them doesn't mean I can't take off the maroon glasses. Florida State does not have a bigger profile than Texas, they really aren't even close. If you said Michigan, Ohio State or UNC... then you might have an argument...

If you really believe that, you are letting your emotions blind you and cause you to sound silly.
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May they rot with their failing network and oblivious ad!
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That was because of Michael Vick... casual fans want to watch stars. One of the primary reasons that VY vs Bush/Leinart was the highest rated game of all time (although it was probably the greatest college football game ever played).

There's usually a star playing for one or both teams in the national championship game. But, for example, Cam Newton wasn't enough to make the Auburn/Oregon game interesting enough to get w/in two ratings points of FSU/Vick.

And even if you don't buy the FSU/Vick game, FSU still was in two games that out drew the next best Texas offering: FSU/OU and FSU/Tennessee. Josh Huepel was good, but was nowhere near a star, and the Sooners were coming off years of irrelevance. As for the Volunteers, these weren't the Peyton Manning Vols, these were the Tee Martin Vols. A great team, and it was their second straight appearance in the MNC game, but nothing flashy. The Vols Fiesta Bowl appearance the year after (against Nebraska) doesn't even crack the top 30.

A weak ass argument about ratings in BCS games doesn't prove anything. I am not trying to defend Texas but just because we hate them doesn't mean I can't take off the maroon glasses. Florida State does not have a bigger profile than Texas, they really aren't even close. If you said Michigan, Ohio State or UNC... then you might have an argument...

If you really believe that, you are letting your emotions blind you and cause you to sound silly.

No emotions in this whatsoever. Michigan hasn't had half, no, not a QUARTER the success that FSU has had. UNC? The basketball school? This is about football, and football only. (Well, it's actually about money, but football = money, so it's the same thing.)

Texas has a huge national profile, true, but it's nowhere near as big as it seems to those of us who have to listen to the Texas media go on and on about it. The Texas/California Holiday bowl game drew a measely 2.69, the same as our Meineke Care Care Bowl against Northwestern, and LOWER than the Georgia Tech/Utah Sun Bowl.

Yes, Georgia Tech/Utah outdrew Texas/California. That doesn't happen if Texas is this almighty ratings juggernaut, as many here apparently believe.

(In case you're wondering, FSU's Champs Sports bowl drew a 3.28, which was up 55% over the previous year's ratings, but since their opponent was Notre Dame, that really doesn't tell us much).

If you want to say Texas and FSU are roughly equal, fine. If you want to say that Texas has a marginally larger national profile than FSU, I could buy that, too. But even if Texas is slightly bigger, they aren't significantly so. Therefore my point remains: If the SEC isn't inviting FSU due to their presence w/in the current geographical footprint, despite their significant national profile, then the SEC isn't inviting Texas, either.
Frisco - Ag
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f off
Tony Almeda
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This is what I'd say:

Sex Panther
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I really don't know how to address your post Mirth, I don't know how you are justifying your responses.

Cam Newton wasn't enough to make the Auburn/Oregon game interesting enough to get w/in two ratings points of FSU/Vick.

Yeah he was apparently... and on Cable which I'm sure you are forgetting

No emotions in this whatsoever. Michigan hasn't had half, no, not a QUARTER the success that FSU has

You're right... Michigan, the all time winningest program in college history is nowhere near the level of mighty Florida State. Who apparently because they were good in the 90's is now the gold standard for college football.

UNC? The basketball school? This is about football, and football only. (Well, it's actually about money, but football = money, so it's the same thing.)

That's the first intelligent thing you've said all day... It is all about money. And that little basketball school, according to Learfield, the company that does Texas A&M and a ton of other schools media rights and marketing, is extremely valuable. In fact, they are more valuable than both us and Florida. I know that for a fact.

Texas is the biggest profile in college sports. That's just the way it is. It makes it funnier when they suck. Make fun of their network all you want, but they got one. I cant fault them for getting 300 million dollars for something that nobody really wants. But I do know that ESPN probably wouldn't have offered that to anybody else.

You know who else has a huge profile? Notre Dame... and they flat out suck now. But they are still Notre Dame, and they still make tons of money, and they would still be the biggest grab for any conference if someone could actually convince them to sign up.

And don't kid yourself about the SEC not wanting Texas. But they would have to get rid of the network, and agree to equal revenue sharing, which they won't do, and frankly I don't blame them. They have a really good situation. We have a really good situation now too. It's evolution... I cant fault them or us for doing what is best for our Universities.

But once again FSU =/= Texas... not even close.

[This message has been edited by Sex Panther (edited 6/1/2012 2:49p).]
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No emotions in this whatsoever. Michigan hasn't had half, no, not a QUARTER the success that FSU has

While FSU is struggling to sell tickets Michigan continues sell out the largest stadium in college football.


[This message has been edited by ntxVOL (edited 6/1/2012 2:30p).]
Stop Posting
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And don't kid yourself about the SEC not wanting Texas. But they would have to get rid of the network, and agree to equal revenue sharing, which they won't do, and frankly I don't blame them. They have a really good situation. We have a really good situation now too. It's evolution... I cant fault them or us for doing what is best for our Universities.

The loan voice of reason. Texas comes to the SEC hat in hand, sans LHN, Slive would tell A&M to sit down and shut up while he harpoons his white whale. The fact that anyone legitimately thinks Texas would be denied entrance in this scenario lends to some serious crack smoking.
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They would get slaughtered
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And don't kid yourself about the SEC not wanting Texas. But they would have to get rid of the network, and agree to equal revenue sharing, which they won't do, and frankly I don't blame them. They have a really good situation. We have a really good situation now too. It's evolution... I cant fault them or us for doing what is best for our Universities.


Lateralus Ag
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Mirth, like I said before, you're (your) an idiot.

I was going to waste more of my day responding to you, but Sex Panther pretty much took care of that for me, so go back to the premium board where your anger and pointless babbling is appreciated.

bu bye.

The Blue Parachute is for Sex Panther, in all his legendness....
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This is a yes or no question...I vote NO...AGAIN
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