I think helmet clash is < program voting for bama, because we didn't start to freak out on this board untill people started speculating. That is when we felt screwed or misguided.
_____________________________________ I'm AggieRinger and I approve this message!
I love me some acronym...AggieRinger it's your phrase, can we just call it PVB to confuse the TexAg rookies and lurkers that will undoubtedly show throughout the season?
+ staches, Listeater, Little Debbies, mantis shrimp, Urlacher Jersey girl, pictures of 98ponygt's junk, KrYStAl GaBlE (but that's before most of y'alls time...)
[This message has been edited by SwampFox (edited 8/9/2008 8:14a).]