There's no way you read Lincoln's correspondence and speeches prior to his presidency and come away not recognizing that he was an abolitionist. He was a moderate abolitionist, for sure. He was a politician in a slavery border state with proslavery sentiments on the border with Kentucky. He was not Garrison or even Seward. It was precisely because he saw slavery as a moral issue that he moved how he did to end it. He had to root his decisions in the existing law and ensure it would be accepted by Unionists who were not morally opposed to slavery. He was a consummate politician. He knew he couldn't just up end the economic and political system of the United States without more substantial support that just the often hated extreme abolitionists. You should read about his 1864 meeting with Frederick Douglass. He feared he was going to lose reelection and wanted to ensure the destruction of slavery in the South. His plan was to move as many slaves as possible out of the South before the new administration ended the war. There was no reason to do this if he didn't actually care about abolition.
Lee had no problems using the slaves provided to him. He made no attempt to stop his army from kidnapping free blacks in Maryland and Pennsylvania. He didn't stop students at Washington College from forming a Klan chapter. His writings talking about moral values and slavery were not written with any apparent genuine concern about the enslaved.
I figured we needed to get this discussion off the thread dedicated to dates not debates.
100% agree that Lincoln was a master politician. But the genuine concern of Lee you think is missing was just as missing from Lincoln's writings and speeches. Lincoln was most concerned on containing political power of the southern slaveocracy and the threat it posed to the free soil movement he championed as a Henry Clay Whig disciple. He had no problem isolating it in the south just keep it out of the west. Lincoln would be at home on F 16 saying let the coasts abort their progeny but keep it out of middle America.
He never wavered from preserving the union over the plight of slaves. His words and writings during the Lincoln Douglas debates are classic white supremacy. Historians like Harold Holzer, who seeks to make Lincoln the patron saint of US history, write this off as the master politician saying what he needs to to get elected but I think he was being honest Abe. Before the war, he took a client who was trying to reclaim a run away slave, not even a lukewarm abolitionist would take that case. Sumner and Frederick Douglas both thought poorly of Lincoln as he acted as a governor to their ambitions for emancipation. Holzer would say master political move of a closet abolitionist. Or was it master politician preserving power?
I think you will find more sympathy of the plight of the enslaved from Lee, than Lincoln. Lee regularly asked about the family slaves by name and was very concerned about them as individuals. His providing for their Christian education would have been, in his view, the greatest thing he could do for slaves under his purview. But his relationship to slavery was quite complex and at times contradictory. Your Jefferson comparison was quite apt. But in no way, did slavery provide Lee's motivation to fight. In 1861.