Just finished a book on the history of Houston that alluded to Jefferson Davis being offered the presidency of A&M. Does anyone have any details on this?
On Jun. 14, 1875, Gov. Richard Coke offered Jefferson Davis, former head of the defunct Confederacy, the presidency of Texas' new agricultural and mechanical college.
The governor warmly wrote, "The State of Texas and all her people ask that you come and live with and be one of us, and make your home and resting place, after a long and eventful public service, among a people who will never cease to love and honor you."
In a July 1875 reply to the governor's letter, Davis modestly protested that Coke had overrated his ability. He gently declined the distinction of serving as the first president of Texas A&M.
Yeah, we'd have protesters calling for removal of the entire school.RGV AG said:
Can you all imagine the modern grief we would have gotten 130 some odd years later if JD had accepted the offer? Wow.
This begs the question.....Do the powers that be at A&M feel it is important that future generations of Aggies not know the presidency was offered to Davis. A university is somewhere one goes to learn. Seems strange, for want of a better word, for A&M willfully withhold information. Especially when it has a statue of a Confederate general at the center of the campus.HollywoodBQ said:
When I was a cadet, that was part of the Campusology we had to memorize.
These days, it appears that the Jefferson Davis reference is long gone.
Here is where you can find the latest Campusology:
If you haven't guessed by now. this story has intrigued me. If you research a little further, I think you'll find that Davis was quoted as saying he would rather go back to the Yankee prison than spend one more day in Brazos County.fw_ag said:
Just finished a book on the history of Houston that alluded to Jefferson Davis being offered the presidency of A&M. Does anyone have any details on this?
Perhaps you're right, but I think you'll agree with me that at one time that quote would have sold a lot of tee-shirts.BQ78 said:
#fakenews Jeff Davis never came to Brazos County so it is doubtful he said that, but he probably would have.
Just shipped my cadet off for the second year at VMI. Can't hide history there, even if you wanted to.aggiejim70 said:This begs the question.....Do the powers that be at A&M feel it is important that future generations of Aggies not know the presidency was offered to Davis. A university is somewhere one goes to learn. Seems strange, for want of a better word, for A&M willfully withhold information. Especially when it has a statue of a Confederate general at the center of the campus.HollywoodBQ said:
When I was a cadet, that was part of the Campusology we had to memorize.
These days, it appears that the Jefferson Davis reference is long gone.
Here is where you can find the latest Campusology:
What's the current environment there, especially given Charlottesville?HollywoodBQ said:Just shipped my cadet off for the second year at VMI. Can't hide history there, even if you wanted to.aggiejim70 said:This begs the question.....Do the powers that be at A&M feel it is important that future generations of Aggies not know the presidency was offered to Davis. A university is somewhere one goes to learn. Seems strange, for want of a better word, for A&M willfully withhold information. Especially when it has a statue of a Confederate general at the center of the campus.HollywoodBQ said:
When I was a cadet, that was part of the Campusology we had to memorize.
These days, it appears that the Jefferson Davis reference is long gone.
Here is where you can find the latest Campusology:
There are literally cannonball indentations in the wall of the "First Barracks". Not to mention graves of most of the cadets who died at New Market. And of course a statue of a Confederate General as the cadets exit the Sally Port on the way out of the Barracks.
RexAG86 said:
Well, Aggies...I couldn't be more proud of the fact that Jefferson Davis was offered the position. He would have been a great president. Somewhere it has to stop, the regurgitation of textbook history and media propaganda. I've been ashamed that Texas A&M has acted so hastily in conformance to some of the ridiculousness, but proud we haven't removed any statues. We have added one, as a peace offering which has it's own cowering down and another story, I learned the same history as everyone else, except it didn't make sense to me. Upon research beyond those paid to write a historical narrative that has been fabricated, you will find the truth. I have read The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy by Jeff Davis where tells our story. Remember the victor writes the story and ours is nothing like you have been taught. Once you know the truth, you can never go back and you will question everything. For 20 years,at least 250 books, Washington Archives and diaries of the Southern people, have discovered the truth. In the foyer of my house hang the portraits of Davis and Lee, they deserve to be there. The central government doesn't hide it from you, they just don't teach it to you and knowing most are too lazy to research. I don't care what the story is I just want the truth. I can't spend the time here to educate you on it, nor am I going to tolerate the common knowledge scholar that wants to tell me what I already learned was a lie. Save your time, it only will make you look more like a propagandized victim. You know when they censor material, you better try to find it, because that is the truth,,, Who censors lies? You can't think for yourself so you are provided one side and never question.
In a nutshell:
Lincoln was friends with Karl Marx and in their letters he aspired to create that government here. The Republican Party prior to 1899 was liberal and the Democrats were conservative. This is critical to understanding the war. The beginning of the Constitutional breakdown has been stealing rights till this day. For 150 years the mindset of his Marxist Theory has been at work. The Lincolnian Theory has ruled. Had Lincoln lived he had already established the Relocation Act where freed slaves were being deported to the likes of Liberia we bought for this purpose. Oh, but we honor him with big statues and humanitarian quotes of things he never said. The South wanted to leave the Constitution (Thomas)Jeffersonian Theory as decided after several causes it was time to declare our own government to save the original Founding Fathers. THIS WAS THE REASON This is also what Trump is in the process of doing, Resetting our government to 1776 Davis had already issued education programs for black people and were phasing out slavery. His people of servitude as they were called... were educated and taught his children. The treatment of slaves has been fabricated from just a few incidents that happened on the large corporate plantations of 6,000 slaves. Only 1-3% of Southerners owned slaves and if they did they were very much part of the family. The segregation idea was a Northern one cast upon us during Reconstruction. The Confederate battle flag means nothing of racism and only the ignorant believe it to be. When a school reacts to lies, my respect for it plummets. My third national CSA flag flies 25 feet on my property and has for years.... it's never coming down. Never. Home Owners thought they might like to suddenly remind me to remove it. After my meeting, it's an historical flag and has purpose flying. They received two hours of the truth and our flag flies! There is so much more that would make your head spin...Sherman and Lincoln should have been tried for Crimes Against Humanity...which on that note...A&M will have a tougher road when the truth about the Bush family becomes known.I've know for years, and never give standing ovation for any of them. Truth Its out there... 12 page indictment on Daddy Bush for Crimes Against Humanity along with W and the rest. He is not buried out there by the library. Nothing is in that casket. He went to Gitmo and that's a fact. So, that's another story you need to wrap your head around because that is coming fast. I'm sure we will drop all association with that family in the coming days. He had a great cover but Trump exposed it all..911 was a Bush orchestrated event FACT. See how we are lead to promote the evil and ridicule the good side Truth is the true liberator; they can never take it from you once you know. Stay strong Aggies..truth is worth the fight!
Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility [sic] and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy. Those ties have been strengthened by association. But what has been the course of the government of the United States, and of the people and authorities of the non-slave-holding States, since our connection with them?
At a certain point it seems a little weird to maintain a list of and brag about people that turned down the presidency. How many others have turned it down over the years?aggiejim70 said:This begs the question.....Do the powers that be at A&M feel it is important that future generations of Aggies not know the presidency was offered to Davis. A university is somewhere one goes to learn. Seems strange, for want of a better word, for A&M willfully withhold information. Especially when it has a statue of a Confederate general at the center of the campus.HollywoodBQ said:
When I was a cadet, that was part of the Campusology we had to memorize.
These days, it appears that the Jefferson Davis reference is long gone.
Here is where you can find the latest Campusology: