Yes, the sign reads Paint Shop. I don't remember running across that sign in other photos, but I wasn't specifically looking for it either. I'll keep my eye open for it.
As for the council house, I have seen that photo referenced as the location and while I can't deny it is not it, I have my doubts from the location description usually associated with it.
The talks were held at the council house, a one-story stone building adjoining the jail on the corner of Main Plaza and Calabosa (Market) Street.[11] During the council, the Comanche warriors sat on the floor, as was their custom, while the Texians sat on chairs on a platform facing them.[12] Lockhart had informed them that she had seen 15 other prisoners at the Comanche's principal camp several days before. She maintained that the Indians had wanted to see how high a price they could get for her, and that they then planned to bring in the remaining captives one at a time.
Market St and Main Plaza would put the building on the other side of the cathedral in the photo.
One description I've read is that is was on the northeast corner of market and main plaza which would put it right net to the riverwalk where the abandoned bookstore is. I'm not 100% certain and could easily be wrong.
In that photo though, the building to the right of the cathedral would become Frost Bros store and later Frost Bank. It's now the City Council building.