Workout. AM:
Strength: 5 rounds of 3 moderate heavy bench into 15 push-ups
Workout for time;
40 Alt v-up
20 Single Arm Overhead alternating front lunge w/DB 50#
30 Alt-v
15 SA DB OH Alt lunge
20 Alt-v
10 SA DB OH Alt lunge
10 Alt-v
5 SA DB OH Alt lunge
Rest 2 mins
The repeat the same pattern above except sit-ups instead of Alt v-Ups
Afternoon: gym fun partner competition
Workout 1: 10 mins for time. 1 work while one rests, AMRAP of
8 box jump overs 24"
10 Russian KB swings @55
8 KB squat cleans @55
Workout 2: one partner finishes, then the other, for time:
25 deadlift @135
25 burpees
Workout 3: team 100 wallball shots 20# to 10' divide up any way you like.
Then 100 partner Russian twist with 20# medball (sit side to side, tap one side and hand off to partner on other, they tap other side = 1 rep)
Workout 4: drink a 12 Oz beer and eat pizza and watermelon