It was pretty hot in there. With all the people and high intensity activity, it definitely got to me after a while. I had to slow down at the end noticeably. My time was pretty bad for me, but that venue did have some longer transitions I wasn't quite factoring in, and I rested too much at a couple of stations.
That was my first actual competition so the difficulty of the sleds caught me a bit off guard. The pull took a pretty long time to gut out at my size. I'm 159# and the sled is about 335#, and their carpet is pretty high friction.
I started getting calf cramps on my last 2 runs and the wall balls took me way longer than they should have.
Still, I was just a little below the average time for my age bracket so not terrible. Now I know what to expect at an actual event.
I did discover you can trigger IBS symptoms by working out that intensely and running that much and getting that dehydrated. Also, don't chug an energy drink with a ton of caffeine for recovery. And be more carbed and hydrated well before starting.
It took a couple of hours to kick in, but my guts started cramping and I felt like I had dysentery for about a day afterwards. I'm finally getting better.