Woods Ag said:
Kids are hitting puberty at earlier and earlier ages. Obesity is completely out of control to the point where the medical community is making it a genetic disorder and recommending a 1x weekly shot for the rest of your life to treat it. Completely disassociating obesity from the food choices and amounts we take. Men's test levels are been declining for decades now. Is any of that alarming to you?
Is it true that humans are becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics? Is that alarming to you? I know I've heard from my kids doctor a number of times that they are trying to limit how many antibiotics they prescribe for that very reason and because it destroys your natural immune system for a minute.
That concerns me quite a bit. It concerns me that our food pyramid that we grew up on is complete and total bull***** That they told us to limit the fat we eat and to eat a diet high in carbohydrates. That we demonized fat for decades while sugar was good to go and when you actually test it, it's sugar that is the main culprit that is driving your blood pressure higher. It's sugar that is causing heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It's wheat in **** wheat has no business being in that is delaying your satiation and keeps you coming back for another bite.
Go look it up. Do your own research. Listen to any number of people that are discussing this and have been discussing it for 5-10 years on podcasts all over the place.
Yep, I can see how all of that looks. And I also used to believe that sugar was the devil. Problem is, excess sugar is a smokescreen to actually understanding all these problems you've identified. Taking out sugar from foods will not solve these problems
It's a bit intellectually dishonest to just tell me to "go do your own research". What if I have, and came to a different conclusion than you?
So men's test levels are decreasing. I would be concerned about that if I didn't know the core reason why. The core reason for most men is because of excess body fat and decreased muscle mass because of excess calories and decreased physical activity. Test levels respond quite well to decreasing body fat and increasing muscle mass WITHOUT having to supplement with extra testosterone- because it improves hormonal feedback leading to better endogenous production of testosterone
So how do you find a medical provider who can help someone actually improve their body composition and reduce the chance for these long-term diseases?
- If they just tell you to follow a certain diet without being able to explain why other diets also work (because LOTS of diets work), then they're not worth a ****
- If they are able to prescribe you a diet that you can follow consistently given your financial resources and availability of certain foods and explain WHY it works, then you're probably going to be more successful with them. Even if you really like processed foods- a medical provider should be able to explain why processed foods can actually be a part of ANY diet