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Insanity/PINK Method?

2,464 Views | 22 Replies | Last: 12 yr ago by Montego Bay 2
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I need/want to lose around 60-70 pounds.. I haven't been to active, I do walk almost every day etc.

I'm looking at insanity or PINK method. Anyone tried or know of any girls who have tried the PINK method?

Let me know your thoughts! TIA
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My wife and I are currently doing insanity and we really like it.
Although, going straight into it without being very active prior is going to shock your body. It is very intense cardio with a lot of explosive movements. We both were in pretty decent shape before starting, but it is still pretty difficult.

If you think you will stick with it, then do it. You will lose weight no doubt. Maybe, do a month of moderately intense cardio to get you prepared for it.

If you really want to lose weight, you need to fix your diet. That is the easiest way. Combining that with exercise will give you results pretty fast and you will feel a lot better.
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Yeah, but I think if I just go for it my body will be okay.

I've definitely been working on my eating, I've changed it and lost about 5 sizes so far!
Montego Bay 2
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Yeah, but I think if I just go for it my body will be okay.


First of all good job on the eating change! Keep it up. You are on the right track there.

Second, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss what Bobbo had to say. I agree with Bobbo on both counts. Insanity is great and I recommend it but if you haven't already been working out, do some other stuff first to get ready for it. I have been working out pretty dang hard for over 10 years in the gym, with P90X etc... When I first started Insanity it KICKED MY BUTT!!! It is a very difficult program to stick with even starting from a position of being in pretty good shape. I can't imagine having the will power to stick with it starting from the couch. This isn't just a matter of will power though. Because of the explosive, plyometric nature of the workouts, it is very hard on the feet, ankles, knees etc... If you are truly 60-70 over weight as you said, that is only going to make it that much harder on those and make you more likely to injure yourself.
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You should spend the most time in your kitchen, if thats what your goal is.
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I taught a few Insanity classes at our fitness center and I have had 2 people pass out. Walk over to the bench because they weren't feeling well and then drop.

Insanity is really tough if you do it. I'd really recommend building up to it.
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I appreciate y'all. I've talked to someone who's in decent shape and she said it was hard. It's gonna be hard I know but I know you can modify it as need be.

I'm borrowing the first few discs from someone and I'm just gonna try it slowly. I don't think you could ever build up to Insannity because I've had friends say you just gotta do it.

Maybe it'll kill me and make me stronger. I shall find out, but it's worth a shot..

Does anyone have any other ideas where to start? I was looking at TurboFire on the same website.


[This message has been edited by cgirl2024 (edited 5/18/2012 11:46a).]
Montego Bay 2
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If you can try it out for free, that is great. Then you can know if you can handle it or you need to go to something else first. Again, I am not doubting your will power, it is a foot and joint issue. If they are still accessible pull up the old Insanity threads on here and read all the people talking about their hurt/sore knees, feet etc... Personally my feet killed me when I was doing it and a friend of ours got a stress fracture in her foot from it. Of course that can happen just running too so that doesn't prove anything, just an illustration.

As far as your last question, beachbody does have several other programs that would probably be better for starting out than Insanity. Turbofire, Chalean, Power 90 etc... Even P90X is probably a better starter program than Insanity. I don't know much about the PINK that you originally asked about but I am sure it works. However, from looking at their website, I might lean toward trusting the Beachbody stuff more. Comparing PINK to Beachbody's "10 Minute Trainers" is probably a much better comparison than comparing PINK to Insanity.

Good luck! Keep us posted.
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If you have the willpower then go for it. I think Montego Bay 2 has some valid points about not injuring yourself.

Shaun T does a cardio warmup before the stretching, but I cannot do this. I have to stretch because I workout first thing in the morning and my back is very stiff. So, I would suggest stretching before doing the warmup (the warmup is quite a workout itself).

Like you said, you can adjust. The point of the workout is to do the max you can do for bursts at a time. Anyone can do that. If you cant do a certain move (some are really hard for me as Im not very flexible), then modify it.

Whatever you do, dig deeper! /Shaun T

p.s. Invest in a nice pair of cross trainer shoes. Do not use old worn out tennis shoes.
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My wife is about to finish Pink Method and she has really enjoyed it. It is much more than a workout plan. It has completely changed the way that she eats, including when we go out to a restaurant. Rather than being a workout plan only, it has been a life changing program for her. The results are great.

My recommendation would be to start with Pink Method, learn the eating habits / food choices that it teaches, and get in decent shape through its workout plan, and then do insanity or P90X upon completion of Pink Method. Pink Method builds a great base for someone that is looking to change their living habits and lose weight.
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Never heard of PINK before this thread, but I've done the p90x program and my husband is doing Insanity right now. It's tough--he's fit but even he has a hard time finishing sometimes.

Not sure if it's been talked about here before, but I've been doing Bodyrock for about a month and I really like it. Note-- the instructor doesn't wear a lot of clothing and the camera angles are...motivating, so I wouldn't recommend looking it up at work. Guys especially. ;-) That being said, I love the program. It's free videos online. It's HIIT exercises at home with similar moves to Insanity but only a "12" minute workout. You can repeat them or double up other workouts from the site if you are adventurous--there are like 600+ on there. You aren't going to lose 70 pounds just from that one workout a day, but as part of a cardio/eating clean lifestyle, I'm already seeing results in strength and toning and I sure like it a lot more than p90x. To me, finding a program that I'm excited about and will DO every single day was the most important thing.

Perhaps some fitness peeps here have anything to say about it?

Good luck!
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I just did the fit test. It was hard, I couldn't really do the plank stuff, but I did a little bit of everything else. I haven't sweat this much in my whole entire life, I'm not sick. When I did the exercises I pushed hard and did them. My arms are shaking but in a good way.

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That's great. Keep updating your progress. The next workout is going to be tough but just push through.
Good luck.
Montego Bay 2
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Keep us posted! Seriously do. I am interested to see how it goes and it will be a motivator knowing you are going to be posting what you have done.
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Did the Cardio Circuit last night.. it was hard. I am more sore today than I was yesterday. It felt good though.

I think tonight I'm gonna just walk/run around the neighborhood.

The cardio circuit is intense, I did okay with the leg stuff but the planks and floor is hard!

Also, can you guys recommend a good shoe? I'm leaning towards Nike Frees right now. I have a bad ankle, so looking at those, any ideas would be helpful!

[This message has been edited by cgirl2024 (edited 5/24/2012 1:03p).]
Montego Bay 2
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Bad ankle and doing Insanity?!?!? No shoe will fix that. Like Ron White says you can't fix ... THAT! I guess Insanity is appropriately named.

To very reluctantly answer your question, go with cross trainers, not running shoes. There really is a reason shoes are labeled for the activity. It is not just marketing. The right shoe can make the difference in success and injury. This probably isn't the norm, but I even found barefoot worked best for me with Insanity.

1. I warned you about joints and Insanity when I didn't know you had an issue. Come to find out you have an ankle problem!
2. Bobbo and tarleton both recommended from experience that you should start with something else.
3. Zip gave a thumbs up to PINK.
4. Abby gave another recommendation - Bodyrock
5. Phi pointed out weight loss mainly happens with good eating.
6. Not one person has said "Yes, Insanity is good for you right now."

You ignored ALL of that.

With that in mind, I can't imagine you will believe me on the shoes so have fun doing Insanity on a bum ankle in running shoes! A few months from now when you are healed up and ready to try working out again, maybe you will be a little more willing to pay attention to the advice that you asked for.

Please forgive the sarcasm. I just like to see people succeed and reach their goals not get hurt and fall further away from them. There are MANY smart ways you can reach your goals without Insanity.

[This message has been edited by Montego Bay 2 (edited 5/24/2012 2:26p).]
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You don't have to be so rude about it. I've had a bad ankle MY WHOLE life. It doesn't matter what kinda work out I do.

I'm doing pretty good with Insanity compared to what everyone else said.
Montego Bay 2
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Sorry, did not mean to come off as rude. Sarcastic yes, that's just me. Rude was unintentional. I am very proud of you for wanting to lose weight and get in shape. That is great! Everyone who has responded to you including me is wanting you to succeed in that without burning out or getting hurt. That is why we responded. I just find it frustrating that since you asked, you won't let us help you. If you already knew the answer you wanted, I am not sure why you asked.

How long you have had a bad ankle or how well you did on your first couple of tries at Insanity has nothing to do with it. Over the course of weeks, Insanity will be extremely hard on your joints. Much harder than many if not most other kinds of exercises. If you don't believe me, read the warning at the beginning of every Insanity video. Even the videos themselves say to not do it if you have such issues. If you think that is just legal stuff, go to the forums themselves and tell them you have a bad ankle and ask if you should do Insanity. I know what they will say.

I only want you to succeed and not get hurt.
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Holly cow, some of those videos are better then porn!!
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how's it going
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Yea, how are you doing?

If your ankle is still bothering you, use a brace to help support you.

There are definitely some hotties on there. Im glad my wife does her session at night and mine in the morning because she would probably yell at me for focusing on the TV screen too much.
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I'm doing good I think. I did it 3 times last week with some walking in between.

Didn't do it yesterday, but gonna do it today.

I'm wearing a brace on my ankle as usual, going back to the orthapedic on Friday.
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I'm with Andy. watched some of the and found it "motivating"
Montego Bay 2
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