Have chased down a lot of battery and electrical problems over the years and 8/10 times it's related to some aftermarket accessory. So that generally the first question is what is connected to power that's not OEM. Amps, radio, lights etc.
Then its' what $3 plastic door sensor made of soy based plastic and chinesum solder has failed and is drawing power.
Also I'd estimate that 1 out of every 100 or so batteries off the shelf are bad from the factory. Maybe a little more or less. But some percentage are bad and the only way you can really tell is with a proper load tester.
Then its' what $3 plastic door sensor made of soy based plastic and chinesum solder has failed and is drawing power.
Also I'd estimate that 1 out of every 100 or so batteries off the shelf are bad from the factory. Maybe a little more or less. But some percentage are bad and the only way you can really tell is with a proper load tester.