I'm looking to purchase the classroom portion of the Parent Taught drivers education course. I saw the database of licensed providers on the TDLR website, but wanted to ask if anyone recommends a provider. Thanks in advance.
This is what we used and most of my 17 yo's friends as well. Pretty self paced. Just make sure and keep up with your driving hours as you go. If you're lazy with that you're going to be making up dates and mileage when your 15 year old is getting ready to finish everything up.
Also, a (humorous) pitfall that happened to one of my son's friends is that they did the Parent Taught and didn't pay attention to the small print that said the parents part of "parent led" meant they both had to be in good standing. They both were on probation and when she showed up to get her license, she was declined because they weren't eligible.
Yep...we use Aceable as well. Our 16 year old got his license that way and working on it with our soon to be 15 year old. Don't forget that you have to purchase the package from them as well as the $20 package from the DPS that comes with the driving log and all that. This $20 package has to be purchased no matter which provider you use. But Aceable is pretty good. Lets you track the kid's progress on your phone and everything.