REWARD: $1000. for any information leading to the safe return of our beautiful Saint Bernard and German Rottweiler. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

*Rajah is a full bred German Rottweiler
Female, spayed, 4 years old, with classic Rottweiler coloring, she was wearing a light pink collar when she went missing.

*Bear Bear is a full bred Saint Bernard
Male, neutered, 3 years old, full brown mask on face with some black spots around his nose, he was wearing a royal blue collar when he went missing.

These dogs are probably traveling together unless forced to separate. Their family has been through a tragic loss recently, they lost everything they own in the recent wildfires. They weren't home to evacuate their dogs but there are witness accounts that these dogs made it out of the house. Having their beloved pups back would mean the world to this wonderful family. Please help bring Rajah and Bear Bear home. You can visit their facebook page to see pictures of this happy family.

If you have seen these dogs or have ANY suspected leads or information you can post here or please call their Mom, JoAnn, any time day or night:

phone # 512-983-4840

[This message has been edited by PennyBird (edited 11/18/2011 2:59p).]