To and from work I listen (when I can tolerate it) to 1440 KEYS and/or 1230 ESPN.
Both have local guys in the morning.
1440 KEYS has Bob, this guy just rambles, seemingly, w/o regard to who his guest is and I'm wondering how he's still on the air. Just today, his guests were from a local restaurant, he called his guest by the wrong name numerous times and couldn't even pronouce some of the foods they were discussing. Plus, he consistantly uses improper grammar, especially using "none" or "no" instead of "any"...i.e. "We ain't got none of that here."
1230 ESPN local has Tiger and Luke. Luke is ok. The self-glossed 'Tiger' has to have A.D.D. or something. He can't stay on topic for more than 30 seconds, it's seems, and is constantly going from tangent to tangent.
Seriously, in a city the size of Corpus you'd think there would be decent radio talent.
On the brighter side:
1440 KEYS, in the afternoon, has Eric Von Wade. This guy is actually pretty good. He's also on KZTV 10 Nightcast news.
C-101...yeah, it's not talk-radio, but Rex & Gino are still pretty entertaining in the morning.
Both have local guys in the morning.
1440 KEYS has Bob, this guy just rambles, seemingly, w/o regard to who his guest is and I'm wondering how he's still on the air. Just today, his guests were from a local restaurant, he called his guest by the wrong name numerous times and couldn't even pronouce some of the foods they were discussing. Plus, he consistantly uses improper grammar, especially using "none" or "no" instead of "any"...i.e. "We ain't got none of that here."
1230 ESPN local has Tiger and Luke. Luke is ok. The self-glossed 'Tiger' has to have A.D.D. or something. He can't stay on topic for more than 30 seconds, it's seems, and is constantly going from tangent to tangent.
Seriously, in a city the size of Corpus you'd think there would be decent radio talent.
On the brighter side:
1440 KEYS, in the afternoon, has Eric Von Wade. This guy is actually pretty good. He's also on KZTV 10 Nightcast news.
C-101...yeah, it's not talk-radio, but Rex & Gino are still pretty entertaining in the morning.