Livingston is considered East Texas and is in Polk County. Lake Livingston is west of the town and is in Polk, San Jacinto and Trinity counties.
Try Googling for rentals there but you'll have to weed through quite a few vacation rentals on the lake. You may just want to contact some local realtors if in a time crunch.
There are several local papers that'll have listings. Also, any of the local grocery stores and 7-11 type gas/grocery stores will have several free local trade/shopping papers for the area which will include both real estate rentals by the homeowners as well as real estate guide listings with photos and prices. There are several of these types of papers so ask the grocery manager if they have them all. Cleveland, Texas is several miles south of Livingston and also has an area trading/shopping guide that could list some Livingston rentals.
Good luck. The admin and teachers at your new school may also be able to give some insight/recommendations. I love that area and have a place on the lake and am hoping the Indian casino is re-opened in the not too distant future.

Edit...figured I'd go ahead and look a little for you. This is just a few items that may be of interest... .....Livingston is in Polk County. Lake Livingston is in Polk and San Jacinto.
Check the classifieds and in the East Tx News you'll find:
LEASE TO own, 3/2 on wooded lot, $550 month. Close to lake. 936-223-1189 or 832-746-4596.
4/2 BRICK HOME in charming gated lake subdivision, WBFP, wooded setting, com. pool, tennis courts, $700/month, $650/deposit. Reference required. 903-399-8433.
TOWNHOUSE FOR rent, available July 1, Fountain Lakes, Onalaska, on the lake, 3/2, 3-decks w/lakeview, CAH, appliances, ceramic tile, 2-pools, boat slip, fishing dock, lawn service & trash pick-up. $695/month + deposit. 281-468-2499.
THREE BEDROOM, 2 bath, house, all new, near State Park, country living. Carpet, dishwasher, stove & refrigerator. 967-8253 or 327-7491
TWO BEDROOM, 1-bath on four lots in Big Thicket Lake Estates in Rye, $350/month plus $250 deposit. (936)646-6411 or (936)425-5432.
FOR LEASE, old country home, newly remodeled, large oak shade trees, Segno area, Big Sandy schools. First and last months rent & deposit required. References required and checked. $550/month. (940)686-1100 or (936)685-4520.
IMPALA WOODS, 3 BR, 2 bath, 2 car garage, fenced yard, near park & swimming pool, $550. 281-446-3729
Rentals-Mobile Homes
3BR/2-BATH mobile home in Jasmine Mobile Home Park in Livingston, near schools, stove, refrigerator, central heat & A/C, W/D connections. $375/mo., $250 deposit. (936)327-5218.
2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH mobile home, single or couple only, no pets, no kids, lawn maintenance included, country living only 5 minutes from WalMart. $400. deposit. $400. monthly. 967-4926.
CEDAR POINT, two 3/2 singlewide mobile homes, large community pool, 2 boat ramps, $550 month, $550 deposit. No pets. 329-2254.
THREE BEDROOM, two bath mobile home, LISD, 1 acre, in country, $575/month + deposit. 365-3459 or 936-714-6110.
TWO BEDROOM, one bath mobile home, no pets, quiet neighborhood $400/month, $400/deposit. 936-365-2243
TWO BEDROOM mobile home for rent in Goodrich, no pets. 365-2774.
4BR MOBILE Home in Livingston near Matthews St. Park, large yard, CH/A, stove, refrigerator, W/D connections, remodeled last year. $525/mo., $250 deposit. (936)327-5218.
TWO BEDROOM, one bath, Pine Harbor Estates, Onalaska, $325. month + deposit. Call after 5 p.m. 936-327-5685
LAKE LIVING Mobile Home Park, Onalaska city limits, very clean 3/2, $580. month w/deposit, no pets. 936-668-1756.
DOUBLEWIDE MOBILE home, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Canyon Park. 328-9079 or 329-3761.
2BR MOBILE Home in Jasmine Mobile Home Park in Livingston, near schools, stove, refrigerator, CH/A. $350/mo., $250 deposit. (936)327-5218.
2BR MOBILE home on Cemetery Hill in Livingston, stove, refrigerator, central heat, window A/C, W/D connections. $350/mo., $250 deposit. (936)327-5218.
ONALASKA 3/2 $600. month + deposit. 713-417-6468
3BR, 2-BATH, CAH, no pets. In city limits. $565/month plus deposit. (936)327-5659, leave message.
VERY CLEAN furnished 1-room efficiency apartment, for one to two people, no pets, quite neighborhood, close to detention center & prison. Gas/lights/water paid. $375/month, $200 deposit in advance. References. 967-8884.
LAKEWOOD PARK Cabins For Rent Weekly or Monthly Rates Located on Scenic Loop FM 3277 936-967-5150
THE VILLAGE Apartments, Onalaska, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $525/month. 936-668-1756.
EFFICIENCY LOG cabin, upstairs, fully furnished, all bills paid, including cable, $200/week. Downstairs $150/week. 967-3891
LAKE LIVINGSTON Weekly Vacation Rental Waterfront Home w/Boathouse QUIET - PRIVATE 3/2 Sleeps 10 281-798-8638 Now Reserving for 2006 lists real estate.
[This message has been edited by agz win (edited 7/10/2006 8:13p).]