If you are still interested, my Father and I run a custom home building business. We operate as General Contractors on high end custom houses located mostly on Lake Cherokee outside of Longview. We design almost every house we build from the ground up. We have designed many houses for people that we didn't build because they live outside of our area as well. We can do floor plans, elevations, 3Ds, and material takeoffs. It really just depends on what you need, but we will deliver a build-able set of plans. We can also consult on the building process and review the plans with your builder.
My father has been building houses for approximately 20 years and I've worked with him on and off (due to school and working other jobs) since I was a child. We use Softplan Architectural software which is optimized for residential construction.
If you are interested, my email address is my user name at yahoo.com. We're always happy to have new drawing customers, it my favorite part of the job.
Below is a sample of a 3D that I made for a customer. If you would like to see a floorplan shoot me an e-mail.