Older memories, maybe. I recall as a youth standing on the nw quadrant one evening and listening to the radio broadcast of Marshall-Highland Park from Dallas.
Watching old timers pitch Washers (yes, not horseshoes) on the ne quadrant until county or city officials placed wooden planks with nails on the window ledges to discourage loitering and Washer contests.
Judge Sam B. Hall, Sr. was the primary judge that sat on the bench in those days.
The west side of the square would be filled on Saturday afternoons with wagons pulled by Mules or Horses and old (usually) pickups driven by folks coming to town to shop--mostly with the merchants around the square.
And, walking up as high inside as we could on a Saturday afternoon with a girl from East End (I attended Van Zandt) after a coke at Mathewson's soda fountain.