Why are y'all scared to name names?
I don't think it's a scared factor. At least it's not on my part. I'd rather not name the JS that gigemhilo referrenced because he's never been arrested/convicted for anything. The rumors have been there for years, but in a lot of other ways he's a really good guy and does some good things for people. But there's enough smoke there to conclude that some fires have existed throughout the years. So I'm not big on throwing his name out there and desparaging him without there being more to it.
The JG we were referring to was a guy named Justin Glenn who went away late last year on federal charges of insurance fraud. He was a "go to guy" that people contacted if they wanted something burned down to then file insurance claims and collect. He was never very smart going WAY back. He got caught doing this once over in Terrell/Canton...somewhere down there but got off on a technicality. The next time around he hired some guys to burn down some laundramats in Mt. Pleasant and he got caught.
He'll be in jail for a while.