Info, I have checked the website and no info.
Good Morning,
Muster is 10 days away and we need to know if you will be attending this year by tomorrow. It is going to be at Hollytree Country Club on Saturday, April 21st with ceremonies beginning at 5:00 pm. Hamburgers and Chicken will be served for the meal. Cost is $15 to attend payable at the door. Please RSVP by this Friday to Janet Booth at or leave a message for her at 903-592-6443. Chuck Hinton Jr, former Yell Leader, from Mt. Pleasant will be our Muster Speaker this year. Please make plans to join us.
The Women’s Symphony League is hosting the Aggieland Orchestra this Saturday and they are still in need of several homes that would be willing to house 2 cadet band members each for Saturday night, April 14th. Attached is the information on the event if you would like to attend. Please contact Amy Fleming at 903-520-4588 or if you are able to host 2 band members. Let’s do our part to accommodate this need.
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Thanks and Gig’em,